How Much Press Do You Need To Pump

How Much Press Do You Need To Pump
How Much Press Do You Need To Pump

You need to pump the press regularly, spending about 30 minutes a day on it. The number of repetitions must be gradually increased, starting with 10, bring this number to 50. And don't forget about proper breathing.

How much press do you need to pump
How much press do you need to pump

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, much depends on what initial data a person starts to study with and what result he wants to achieve. If there is a significant fat layer in the waist area, then physical exercises alone will not solve the problem, an integrated approach is needed, that is, in addition to sports, you need to revise your diet and exclude too fatty and high-calorie foods.

Feature of the muscles of the press

It is this muscle group that is most difficult to pump, because they are smaller than all other muscle groups and very quickly get used to the load. In this case, the main emphasis should be placed not on the number of repetitions in each approach, but on their quality. Only a targeted impact on one specific muscle group will effectively pump up the abdominal muscles. The trainee should not allow the abdominal muscles to rest, a pleasant burning sensation should be felt in the abdominal area - this will indicate that lactic acid has accumulated in the muscles, which the body no longer has time to excrete.

What else should you consider when starting such training? You need to know that while the lungs are filled with air, the abdominal muscles will contract badly. Each repetition should be done with an exhalation. And if you do it while inhaling, it can lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, as a result of which the muscular wall of the abdomen can stretch. This will lead the athlete to have a strong enough abs, but the abdominal muscle bulging forward.

How much and how to do it

First, you need to pump the press in a certain sequence. First, the lower part of the press is pumped, such a workout includes straight leg raises. After working out the lower part of the press, they switch to screw twists - they allow you to work out the oblique abdominal muscles. And the complex of exercises concludes with torso lifts, which attract the upper abdominal muscles to work.

You need to do it every other day, devoting 20-40 minutes to this. Ideally, each exercise is performed in 2-3 sets, the trainee chooses the number of repetitions for himself independently, depending on his capabilities. At the initial stages, you need to try to do as much as you have enough strength, but you should not overload the body, you should not allow the appearance of cramps in the abdomen. For overweight beginners who have not been involved in sports for a long time, 5-10 repetitions will be enough, gradually this number can be increased to 50. The number of repetitions must necessarily increase, this is the only way to achieve a good result.
