How To Properly Dry Your Body So As Not To Lose Weight

How To Properly Dry Your Body So As Not To Lose Weight
How To Properly Dry Your Body So As Not To Lose Weight

Drying the body is a process during which the athlete sheds excess fat to make the body more pronounced and attractive. It is quite difficult to maintain weight at the same time: you need to use special training programs and eat right.

How to dry your body properly
How to dry your body properly

Many beginners make the same mistake: they put on warming belts and shorts, run for 20-30 minutes at an increased pace, and then go to strength training. This approach does not allow you to get rid of fat and can even damage if the body temperature is too high. And for people weighing over 100 kg, it is generally better not to run, as you can damage the ligaments on the legs.

How to get rid of subcutaneous fat

But still, for drying, an aerobic load is needed. Only it should be at a reasonable level. You must consume enough oxygen and also not overload the muscles. Burning in the legs means that the load is very high and the body begins anaerobic glycolysis of glucose, while fat is not oxidized at all. If you are suffocating, then the body does not have enough oxygen for oxidation, respectively, the effectiveness of the workout drops significantly.

It is best in this case to focus on the heart rate (HR), since it is this indicator that most accurately indicates the level of aerobic load. First, you need to calculate the maximum rate. To do this, subtract your age from 220. So, for example, if you are 30 years old, then the maximum heart rate is 190. Then subtract 35 percent from this indicator (190-35% = 123.5). This is the optimal heart rate for burning fat.

You also need to limit yourself to food. At the same time, conventional diets will not help here, since the goal is not just to lose weight, but to get rid of fat while maintaining muscle mass. To do this, you need to count calories and gradually reduce their daily intake. Every week, reduce your daily intake by 200-300 kcal until you reach the 2,000 mark. You also need to give up fatty foods in favor of protein.

How to maintain mass

You will need strength training. Optimal training time: 40-60 minutes. In this case, preference should be given to large muscle groups and focus on basic exercises. Rest between sets should not exceed one minute. You can also use sports nutrition for best results.

The optimal training scheme is as follows. First, you need to perform a barbell press while standing (3 sets of 14 reps), then lunges on the Smith simulator (3 sets of 10 times) and push-ups with different arms (3 sets of 12 times). After that, do a superset of two exercises. The first is a bent-over row using a Smith machine, the second is a one-handed push and jerk of the kettlebell. Both exercises are done in three sets of 12 reps.
