Mountains in collusion with natural conditions can often cause us inconvenience when snowboarding: the wind hurts our eyes, the sun does not allow us to fully follow the descent. In this case, it is very important to choose the right goggles for yourself.

Step 1
Determine for yourself what weather conditions you will ride most often. If the climate of the area where you will be skiing is moderately cold, then glasses with single lenses are perfect for you. They sweat, of course, faster than glasses with double lenses, but in the absence of a sufficiently severe frost, this will not become an acute problem for you. In addition, glasses with single lenses are cheaper. If you are skiing in the mountains, where the frost is more severe, then invest in good glasses with double lenses.
Step 2
Choose glasses that completely cover your eye area and leave no gaps. But it is important that the glasses have their own ventilation holes, since their presence allows the glasses to sweat much more slowly, and the eyes will be supplied with oxygen. Be sure to pay attention to this when choosing glasses.
Step 3
If you are using a safety helmet when snowboarding, be sure to try them on with your helmet when trying on goggles. Make sure they fit tightly and don't cause any pain or discomfort.
Step 4
Choose glasses with a lens color suitable for your particular situation. So, choose a golden color that filters out blue if you're riding in fairly strong lighting conditions. Also bronze is good for protection on bright days. In cases where the sun is particularly bright and the effect of gold or bronze lenses is not satisfactory enough, buy yourself glasses with a mirrored outer coating. They significantly reduce the exposure to glare, but are slightly more expensive. Choose glasses with silver or green lenses for normal riding - these lens colors will increase contrast when exposed to stray light. If the lighting is not bright enough, opt for glasses with red, pink or purple lenses - these colors will help you see the outlines and shadows of objects and snowdrifts on the slope. It should be noted that transparent glasses are also suitable for riding in low light.