7 Top Fitness Mistakes

7 Top Fitness Mistakes
7 Top Fitness Mistakes

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In modern life, a fitness club for girls is not only a place to maintain their figure, but also a symbol of confirmation of their social status. It's just fashionable now. Often, the fitness instructors themselves are not interested in conveying information about the correct exercises in the gym. Here are some common mistakes people make in fitness centers.

7 top fitness mistakes
7 top fitness mistakes


Step 1


Basically, everyone attends classes when it is convenient, and rarely anyone has their own training program. If you go to the club once a week and at the same time practice there until you drop, then this is unlikely to help achieve the desired result. It will be much more effective to draw up a lesson plan and a program of exercises you need, taking into account your problem areas.

Step 2

Expectations that are too unrealistic

See things realistically. Don't expect yourself to look like the cover girl after ten days of grueling workouts. In the first month, you will not only not lose weight, on the contrary, you will gain it by increasing muscle mass. Be ready to work on yourself for a long time.

Step 3

Improper nutrition

This is the most common mistake girls make when they go to the gym. The result is 80% dependent on your nutrition and only 20% on training. Eat only the right food, rich in vitamins, and you will have to forget about sweets and fast food. It is also not recommended to purchase energy drinks and bars sold in fitness clubs and sports stores.

Step 4

Emphasis on strength training

If you decide to build muscle or lose weight with strength training, then nothing will come of it. You train the same muscles every day, as a result, they are injured and do not have time to recover. This threatens with physical overload of your body, and subsequently muscle degradation. The loads should be balanced, targeting all the muscles in the body.

Step 5

An attempt to embrace the immensity

Do not get carried away with all types of fitness at once. Stop your choice on one thing and work hard, alternating loads with mandatory rest.

Step 6

Don't eat after exercise

It is not right. After going to the fitness club, you need to eat a small portion of low-fat protein. This will not affect your figure in any way, but will only speed up your metabolism. In addition, if this is not done, then the next day you will get up with pain in all muscles.

Step 7

Training according to other people's programs

Your friend lost 10 kg, and you decided, following her example, to work out in the same way. It won't give you the same result. Each fitness program is individually tailored for each organism, and its program may not suit you at all. You will achieve much more efficiency by creating your own exercise program aimed at your problem areas of the body.
