Chess is the oldest and most interesting game. And the better a person begins to understand it, the more interesting it becomes. In this article, I'll show you what you need to do to start playing better.

Some people have played chess for many years, but progress in terms of improving the quality of the game can be very slow, and sometimes not at all. The point is that playing chess frequently is not a recipe for success. An integrated approach is needed here.
It is best to learn how to play chess, the coach will help, but if there is no opportunity to attend a chess club, you can improve your game at home, using some methods:
1. Studying chess theory. These are the openings - the beginning of the game. The middlegame is the middle of the game and the endgame when there are few pieces left on the board. Studying theory, an amateur, from the very first lessons, will understand many technical strategies for playing a game that contribute to its improvement.
2. Solving chess problems. This is an integral part of classes where you have to think a lot. For a start, problems are suitable where you need to checkmate in two moves, in three moves, to win a piece, to gain an advantage. Then, you can start solving chess studies.
3. Play and record parties. It is very important! Each game played must be recorded in order to be analyzed later. When analyzing, a beginner will be surprised that in some moments of the game he could not only play better, but also win. In this case, it is also necessary to focus on the opponent's play. After all, he, too, in some moments, had the best chances.
4. Analysis of games of famous chess players. Books of famous chess players can be bought in bookstores, downloaded on the Internet, borrowed from the library. There not only parties are provided, but also comments are given to them.
5. Play more often in various tournaments. In each city several times a year events of this kind are necessarily held. Participation in them is available to everyone. If it is not possible to play in tournaments, then you can find opponents on the Internet. There are many servers out there.
6. Play by correspondence. Of course, no one plays by correspondence now. This can be done online. There are servers where tournaments with different time controls are held. Thus, you can play one game for several months. This game is not only convenient, but also useful. Allows you to play more closely, deeply examining each option countless times.
In approximately the same way, coaches teach this very interesting game. This approach, as a rule, gives a quick result, in just a couple of months.