Exercises To Strengthen The Spine

Exercises To Strengthen The Spine
Exercises To Strengthen The Spine

With scoliosis and various back diseases, it is necessary to perform daily therapeutic exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and neck. A number of simple exercises can help relieve tension and relieve pain.

Exercises to strengthen the spine
Exercises to strengthen the spine

Stretching exercises

The easiest option for relaxing your back muscles can be exercises on a horizontal bar or wall bars. Make it a rule to hang on the horizontal bar for at least a few minutes for two or three approaches. Do this exercise daily.

Grasp the bar with your hands, relax your body and bend your legs back, bending them at the knees. Hang in the air for as long as possible, but avoid stress and fatigue. In this case, the hands should be fixed shoulder-width apart and also be in a relaxed state.

As soon as you feel the slightest discomfort, pause the exercise. After a short rest, repeat the stretch. Try to lengthen the exercise time a little each time. This stretch is aimed at relaxing the back muscles and straightening the spine.

Relaxation exercises

The greatest stress occurs on the lumbosacral region. Therefore, it is necessary to do daily exercises to relax this area.

This requires doing stretching exercises on the floor, just like cats do. Kneel down with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your hands to the floor in front of you and stretch forward as far as possible.

It is desirable that the floor surface is smooth and does not create a frictional sensation. Hold this position for a couple of minutes and relax all muscle groups. Check and feel the relaxation of the neck, back muscles, legs and pelvis one by one.

Return to the starting position and move the pelvis back. Relax, and then arch your torso and lift your head up. Go back again, bend your face down and relax. Do this exercise several times.

Strengthening the muscles of the back and neck

This exercise is performed while lying on your back with the legs in a fixed position. Hands must be placed on the back of the head and bend back in this position. At the same time, a deep breath is taken, and at the very peak of the deflection, you hold your breath and pause for 10 seconds. With a deep exhalation, return to the starting position.

This exercise may seem hard enough at first, so it should be done with a gradual increase in the load. As a result, it is advisable to perform the exercise up to 10-15 times. With its daily and long-term performance, you will feel how the back muscles have become stronger and toned, and the spine does not get tired so quickly from prolonged physical exertion.
