A Set Of Exercises To Strengthen The Back Muscles. Photo, Video

A Set Of Exercises To Strengthen The Back Muscles. Photo, Video
A Set Of Exercises To Strengthen The Back Muscles. Photo, Video

Experts recommend doing back exercises for all people who want to stay healthy for years to come. Exercise not only develops the correct posture, but can also prevent the development of ailments of the lower back and neck.

A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles. Photo, video
A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles. Photo, video

It is worth noting that a well-strengthened back also helps to preserve internal organs, increases a person's endurance, as well as his ability to work. It is especially important to do exercises to strengthen the back for people who work at a computer, carry weights, or spend a lot of time in a bent state.

Those who are going to do exercises to strengthen the back should remember that any workout must begin with a warm-up, muscle preparation. This is important to avoid injury and strains.

The warm-up can last as little as 5-10 minutes. During this time, it is recommended, for example, to jump or run in place, to swing with your hands, tilt in different directions. In general, choose exercises for warming up muscles at your discretion. The main thing is to do at least something. And only after warming up, you can start the main workout.

Beginners are advised to do all the exercises smoothly, without overstraining the body. This will prevent injury and prepare the muscles for work in the future.

To complete the first exercise, you need to sit on the floor. Legs are straight, as wide apart as possible. Now make a slow forward bend. This stretches the spine. You need to try to lie as low as possible. Ideally, the body lies completely on the floor. But from the first lesson this rarely happens, but with constant training it will be possible to do such a "trick". When performing the exercise, the arms should be extended forward. In this position, lock in for 5 seconds, then straighten up. Further, without lifting the buttocks, make a tilt to the right, slowly, without jerking, dropping onto the elbow of the right hand. Then make similar movements on the left side. Repeat the cycle of three inclinations: forward, left and right 3-5 times.

If a person feels pain while performing any exercise, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. To adjust your workouts according to the recommendations of a specialist.

Now you need to roll over onto your stomach, place your body on the floor in a relaxed state. Then smoothly tear off the head and shoulders from the floor surface, then legs. Hold at the top point for 5-10 seconds, return to the starting position. Beginners can do the exercise alternately. First, lifting only the head and shoulders off the floor, and then only the legs. When the muscles are a little stronger, you can start lifting at the same time.

To perform the next exercise, you need to get on all fours, your back is straight - this will be the starting position. Now tear off your left arm and right leg from the floor. In this case, both the limbs and the back are absolutely straight. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds, and then change the arm and leg. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

One of the most effective exercises that helps to strengthen the muscles of the back and develops flexibility is the "cat". To complete it, you need to stay on all fours. Now, as you exhale, bend your back up, head down. On inhalation - deflection downward, the head rises. The exercise is performed without jerking, the movements are smooth. Do 5-7 reps.

The starting position for the next exercise is standing with your feet together. It is necessary to bend to the right, while the corresponding hand goes down, and the opposite one rises above the head. During the exercise, you will feel how the muscles of the back are stretching. Having done it once in one direction, you need to change your hand. Do 5 reps in each direction.

The above exercises will help strengthen your back muscles and make them more flexible.
