Gymnastics Bubnovsky: A Chance To Feel Great

Gymnastics Bubnovsky: A Chance To Feel Great
Gymnastics Bubnovsky: A Chance To Feel Great

Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Bubnovsky is widely known in Russia and abroad as the author and developer of unique methods of non-drug restoration of organs and systems of the human body, primarily the musculoskeletal system and the entire musculoskeletal system.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky: a chance to feel great
Gymnastics Bubnovsky: a chance to feel great

Many of Dr. Bubnovsky's patients were abandoned by doctors, his patients - long-term chronicles or people who have received severe injuries, who have lost the ability to move independently and self-care. Medicine suggested that these patients come to terms with their illness. But the author's system of joint gymnastics by Sergei Bubnovsky came to the aid of thousands and thousands of patients. She directs people to study their body, to reveal its internal reserves. Bubnovsky developed ways to heal without the use of corsets and medications. He himself has a long experience as a rehabilitation physician. Dr. Bubnovsky developed his gymnastic system in response to the failure of modern medicine to completely cure many serious ailments and injuries that affect the musculoskeletal system.

Serious ailments recede

The technique of Sergei Bubnovsky is not limited to one area. When using his gymnastics, such severe ailments as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, and hypertension recede. People get rid of the need to take medication. Bubnovsky is a developer of special complexes used to improve the health of pregnant women, normalize metabolism, and treat back pain. When using Bubnovsky gymnastics, there is a complete interaction between the patient and the doctor, which also helps to get rid of ailments. Exercise programs for each patient are selected individually, taking into account the existing diseases. But the same basis for each and every one is stretching exercises, developing muscles and joints, and anti-stress exercises from the Qigong system. Such gymnastics can be performed at any age and in almost any physical condition. It is also important that patients can perform these exercises both in the Bubnovsky center and at home, on their own.

Restore all body systems

The main task of Sergei Bubnovsky's gymnastics is the complete restoration of all body functions, its coordination and control. The elasticity of the tissues of the joints, muscles, ligaments is restored. During gymnastics, thanks to the system of proper breathing, the body is actively saturated with oxygen, which is very important for the restoration of health. This solves the problems of well-being associated with the forced hypodynamia of a modern person, whose muscles are deprived of the necessary load and lose their mass, which in turn leads to a deterioration in the activity of the bone and other systems of the body. Bubnovsky's system is able not only to prevent these conditions, but to radically cure illnesses considered incurable.
