How To Get Great Abs In 15 Minutes A Day

How To Get Great Abs In 15 Minutes A Day
How To Get Great Abs In 15 Minutes A Day

As you know, one of the most effective and popular abdominal exercises is twisting. However, there is a little trick here - in order to increase the productivity of your workout, you need to use a fitball.

How to get great abs in 15 minutes a day
How to get great abs in 15 minutes a day

The fact is that by using the ball, you can simultaneously work out the muscles of the waist and lower back with the press. This will not only remove the belly, but also improve your posture.

Execution technique

Lie on your back on the fitball - your shoulders and shoulder blades should be placed at its highest point, and your buttocks should be pressed against the ball. The legs are bent at the knees and set slightly wider than the shoulders, the feet rest on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, at your temples or cross over your chest. Eyes open, looking forward.

  • Take a breath.
  • As you exhale, lower the body so that only the lower back and buttocks are in contact with the fitball.
  • As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Number of executions

To get started, do 10-15 reps in 3 sets with short breaks, gradually increase the number of repetitions, ideally up to 40 times. For the pros, the exercise can be complicated by doing it with a 2 kg dumbbell in front of the chest.

Important! If at first it is difficult for you to do a large number of repetitions, it does not matter, concentrate better on technique. A prerequisite for twisting is that the back should be rounded, and the chest and abs should stretch towards each other. It is also considered a mistake to throw your head back and close your eyes during the exercise, otherwise you can overextend the cervical spine.

Exercise efficiency

1. The abdomen becomes firm and relief.

2. Abdominal muscles are tightened.

3. Posture and coordination of movements are improved.
