Can I Do Sports Every Day?

Can I Do Sports Every Day?
Can I Do Sports Every Day?

“Chief Academician Ioffe proved: cognac and coffee

you will be replaced by sports and prevention …”.

Sports activities are becoming more and more popular, and this is not surprising. After all, it is now fashionable to have a slim, fit figure, look successful and energetic, take care of your health. And how often beginners, wanting to get everything and immediately, zealously begin training, but, disappointed in the results, abandon classes after a month or two.

Can you do that?
Can you do that?

Nine reasons to choose a sport

So, the decision has been made! You have purchased a fitness or gym membership. And you are already drawing nice pictures in your head, how your appearance will change in just … Stop! The results will have to wait much longer than a week or even a month. The first thing you will have to do is develop a habit of regular exercise. Sport, without exaggeration, should become a part of everyday life. Motivation, self-discipline, and the ability to plan your time are very important here. So what does sports give us?

• Sport is a great helper in the fight against excess weight. Tightens and improves the figure.

• Sport makes a person more resilient - you will easily climb stairs, carry heavy bags, you will be able to catch up with the departing bus without shortness of breath.

• Sport helps to develop such valuable qualities as willpower, self-discipline, purposefulness.

• Sports activities improve blood circulation and activate not only the muscles, but also the brain.

• Sport eliminates bad habits - cravings for alcohol, smoking, drug addiction.

• Physical activity will help improve your mood and cope with stress. In some cases, exercise can replace depression pills.

• Correctly selected physical activity reduces the risk of developing many diseases, improves heart function, stabilizes blood pressure, and helps to get rid of back pain.

• Sport helps older people to be in good physical shape for many years.

• By actively visiting a fitness club or gym, you will expand your social circle, you will make many new acquaintances and even friends.

If you want to quickly lose weight, then you need aerobics classes. They enhance metabolism, burn a lot of calories. These exercises can be done daily as they do not strain the muscles.

How can you succeed?

When starting regular sports, remember to start small. The main thing at this stage is to correctly select and perform a set of exercises and calculate the load in accordance with your physical condition and age. You need to learn to feel your muscles and manage their tension. At this stage, it is better to practice under the guidance of an experienced instructor, and later you can keep in shape on your own.

Daily training with multiple repetitions of exercises (especially indistinctly performed ones) will not only not help, but even slow down the process. There will be an effect of "muscle overtraining", they simply will not have time to recover. After all, muscle growth does not occur during training, but after it - during the recovery period. Sports activities are a kind of stress for the body, which needs time to increase endurance, increase muscle volume and, as a result, prepare for repetition of loads.

To maintain health until a ripe old age, it is necessary to love and train your body; remember that life is a movement and regular sports can help in this.

But this does not mean that on a day free from training, you should sit on the couch. It will be useful to take a short jog, do light gymnastics, or at least just take a walk in the fresh air.
