If you, having returned to your previous form, relaxed, know that all your efforts will be wasted. Indeed, in order to maintain a positive result for a long time, it is necessary to continue training. Of course, a lot depends on your fitness level and the type of sport you are doing.

Step 1
Don't quit your workout. If you give up playing sports, then you risk losing everything you have achieved. The body's endurance is significantly reduced, muscle tissue and internal organs atrophy. Together with a trainer or fitness instructor, think over in detail the program of your classes to maintain the achieved form. These exercises will help build up your body's reserves.
Step 2
Don't exhaust yourself. Play sports only in a feasible mode. After all, each person has his own individual physical capabilities. Therefore, the loads to maintain shape must correspond to them. Go for a walk or jog. Such exercises train breathing, strengthen endurance, and use large muscle groups. Consider age-related changes and make a discount on it. Also, do not forget about the suffered injuries and illnesses. Work on your breathing and master a new set of special breathing techniques.
Step 3
Keeping fit doesn't mean doing it once a year. A positive trend is observed only after systematic and regular training throughout life. Once you start caring for your own body and developing it physically, you only need 20 sessions in order to see the first results. Then these processes slow down and take place at a deeper level. That is why they are almost invisible visually. But in fact, they are and your good shape depends on them. Methodical, calm, long-term training will bring a lasting effect and fix it forever.
Step 4
Don't forget about your menu. Avoid spices, vinegar, salt. Eat more vegetables, cereals, fish, eggs, dairy products, fruits, berries. Confectionery is not prohibited, but indulge yourself no more than once a day and in moderation.
Step 5
Always make time for full meals: do not skip breakfast and lunch. Better donate dinner, because it is the evening meal that most often causes excess weight. Have a fasting day once a week. Better on a day off.
Step 6
Stick to your daily routine. While this is not easy given the rhythm of today, try to live according to plan. Then it will be much easier to keep fit. Go to bed on time (at the first manifestations of drowsiness and fatigue), in the morning do not lie in bed for a long time. Better yet, do your morning exercises or jog through the woods.