How To Force Yourself To Pump Abs Daily

How To Force Yourself To Pump Abs Daily
How To Force Yourself To Pump Abs Daily

A beautiful abs is the dream of many people. To get in perfect shape, you need to train every day. However, not everyone can cope with such a task, especially if they are faced with it for the first time.

How to force yourself to pump abs daily
How to force yourself to pump abs daily

First, make a training program. It is best to use proven techniques that can be easily found on the internet. If you have not trained before, then the program must be marked "for beginners". Particular attention should be paid to video tutorials that show correct execution. It is much easier to train in this way, because you just need to repeat the exercises after the video trainer.

Following a rigorous program makes it much more difficult to quit. Another important point in this regard is time. You must determine exactly when you will train. It is important that this happens at the same time. It is better to train in the morning when you still have strength and motivation. Evening is fine too, but you can skip class citing fatigue after work and other factors.

Remember not to exercise right after eating. Wait at least 1-1.5 hours. Consider this when determining the time to study. It is advisable that after training you also have no serious business. You will need this time to rest and take a shower. Such discomfort can also lead to refusal to exercise.

The promise and the price of a word

To force yourself to do abs daily, make a promise. You can give it to yourself or to someone who is authoritative for you. The main thing is that you consolidate your desire to strive for a beautiful press every day. You don't want to be a liar who doesn't keep his promises, do you?

An even more effective technique is called the "price of a word." Its essence lies in the fact that instead of a promise, you give another person a significant amount of money for you. A student, for example, can give 5,000 rubles, and a businessman can give 100,000 rubles. You set the condition that if you don’t pump the press for at least one day without a good reason (it’s better to list them in advance), then the person can take all the money for himself.

Tracking progress

Also, to maintain the proper level of motivation, you need to track the progress of achieving the result. Many people fall short of the goal if they don't see the return. Schedule your workouts, see how much time and repetitions have increased. Track the change in your figure.

Often, the abs are not visible due to the layer of subcutaneous fat. Even if you pump it for a long time, the cubes still do not appear. There is nothing wrong with that, you do not need to stop training. Just try to do some extra cardiovascular exercise (running, stationary bike, Nordic walking, and so on) that will help you lose unnecessary fat.
