Training with Cindy Crawford can be considered one of the most popular. Cindy is a world-famous model who, at her almost 50 years old, has a slim and athletic body. Her main workouts "The Secret of the Perfect Figure", "How to Achieve Perfection" and "Cindy Crawford: A New Dimension" went on sale 15 years ago, but are still in great demand among those who want to lose weight and gain a slim figure.

As for the "Secret of an ideal figure" workout, these are two forty-minute workouts and a fifteen-minute mini-complex. Dumbbells are needed to strengthen the arms and back, the legs work without weights. In these workouts, Cindy works with 2 kg dumbbells; beginners are recommended to take 1 kg dumbbells.
This workout for Cindy can be attributed to the strength aerobics that fitness clubs love to teach. But Cindy's warm-up is peculiar and more like stretching. You don't have to raise your heart rate during warm-up. Since the exercises on the legs are done without weights, you do not feel severe fatigue and heaviness, and the pulse is far below the fat burning zone. For those who do not know, fat begins to be actively burned with active heart rate, this is from 60 to 90 percent of the maximum. In this workout, Cindy does a lot of leg swings, but their goal is not to speed up the heart rate, since there are too few repetitions for this. Rather, Cindy suggests working out the static of the hips and buttocks, but in fact the muscles here work mediocre, except that the quadriceps of the thigh.
From this we can conclude that the "legs" in this workout are for beginners. Exercises for the arms and back are pretty standard - push-ups, dumbbell presses, bent over rows. For those who continue active training and have physical training, the weight should be increased.
For the press, Cindy suggests the usual crunches, but in training she misses a very important point: a flat stomach is difficult to achieve if you do exercises with a bulging stomach. When pumping up the press, the abdomen should always be drawn in. Cindy doesn't mention this.
What is the conclusion from all this? The Secret of the Perfect Figure workout is good only for beginners, it allows you to strengthen the muscles and prepare them for work. For those who continue to exercise, you need to increase the weights and add weight to the legs during the swings. It's good to alternate this workout with half-hour runs.
"New Dimension" is another workout for Cindy, which is aimed specifically at restoring the body after childbirth. Here, to the usual strength exercises, exercises for burning fat, cardio loads in the form of jumps, jumps are added.
It is due to these interval cardio loads that the pulse is in the fat burning zone. Indeed, this workout is well suited for losing weight. But again the same problem with the legs, the exercises are too easy for the advanced. It is better to alternate this workout with the "Ideal figure" or do it three times a week. It is better to add running two weeks after the start, so as not to immediately overwork.
"How to Achieve Excellence" is another program aimed at recovery after childbirth. Here Cindy offers three complexes. The program itself is quite short, and for workouts that are not related to the restoration of the figure, we can recommend only the whole complex at once, separately there will be little sense. Although this workout positions itself as a mix of cardio and strength, the cardio intervals are quite short, the pulse is unlikely to fall into the fat burning zone.
In the end, we can say that all of Cindy's videos were shot very professionally, aesthetically beautiful and tempting. Looking at her workouts, there is a good motivation for playing sports. All exercises are explained in easy and understandable language. For beginners, Cindy's workouts are very good, but for those who are not in sports or at least fitness for a long time, it is best to combine Cindy's workouts with more intense aerobics and take heavier dumbbells. Then the fat will go away faster, and the body will become more prominent.