Critical days are a special test for the female body. During this time, women tend to experience weakness and malaise. But for those who are accustomed to an active lifestyle, menstruation should not be a reason to give up sports. It is only important to correctly dose the load.

The main task of a woman is motherhood, so a healthy female body prepares for this event every month. The ovum, ready to form a fetus, matures in the ovary, the uterus is lined with mucous membranes. If pregnancy does not occur, the dead egg is removed with blood. To help blood flow out of the body, the uterus begins to contract, resulting in painful cramps. Therefore, like any other organ damage, menstruation is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as pain, weakness, and general malaise. Migraine often occurs, fever and muscle pain may occur. During this period, a woman's immunity decreases, which makes her defenseless against various infections. Physical activity on critical days depends entirely on the woman's well-being. If the bleeding is profuse, there is nausea, weakness, severe pain, then bed rest should be observed. If the woman's condition allows, you can go in for sports, but you should correctly dose the load, because otherwise, the duration of menstruation can be significantly increased, which can provoke endometriosis.
If you are used to doing aerobic fitness, for example, dancing, shaping, jogging, you need to reduce the load by a third. Menses significantly reduce stamina and contribute to increased fatigue. Drink as much fluids as possible during exercise to replenish the amount of water lost in the blood. Eliminate high intensity loads, heavy lifting, rolls, and jumps. Perform all movements calmly and smoothly, spend more time stretching. Clothing for classes on critical days should be lighter, because sweating increases during this period. For hygiene products, use those that are most comfortable for you. For example, tampons are much more functional and invisible, but in some women they can cause nausea and abdominal pain. It is advisable to change your tampons and pads every two to three hours.
Try to wear cotton slips during your period. Natural fabric will make it easier to cope with increased perspiration, and a closed form of linen will more reliably protect against leakage.
It is not at all necessary to give up sports on critical days if you are feeling well. Well-chosen workouts have a positive effect on the vascular system, stabilize hormones, and strengthen the pelvic muscles. Over time, this will help normalize the cycle, make your periods less painful.
If you are dancing, reduce the load a little. Try not to perform all movements at full strength. Avoid sharp twists and thrusts of the hips, jumps, falls, and belly shakes. Also, do not perform movements on the floor, because this can provoke inflammation. Lifts from the bottom position, acrobatic movements with upside-down turns must also be excluded.
Power sports are strictly prohibited, because during menstruation, the body has an increased risk of injury. If you can't do without training, you need to at least not increase the load, practicing with the usual weight. In case of the slightest signs of malaise, you must immediately stop the exercise. Rock your back, chest and arms, but forget about your legs and abs for a while. In addition, in the gym you can do cardio loads - light jogging, walking, aerobics. Simple exercises in the Pilates, yoga and calanetics techniques are acceptable. It is imperative to warn the coach about your condition so that he can monitor the level of your loads.
During menstruation, it is not recommended to engage in equestrian sports, jogging, weightlifting, Irish dancing, jumping rope, cycling.
During critical days, except for the first and last day, you should not visit the pool. During this period, the body is extremely susceptible to various infections, chlorinated water also has an extremely negative effect. Baths, saunas and solariums are strictly prohibited. heat increases bleeding and slows down the healing process of the uterus. For the same reason, it is not advisable to take a hot bath.
Physical activity on critical days is very tiring on the body, so it is extremely important to eat right. It is necessary to drink more fluids, water, natural juices, milkshakes are suitable, be sure to eat vegetables and fruits. The body also needs protein, which is involved in the construction of new cells. Fatty fish is useful.
You should not eat spicy, spicy, salt, coffee, chocolate, coffee and alcohol, because they can increase bleeding. Take hemostatic and pain relievers if you have profuse discharge and severe pain. Such a folk remedy as dandelion infusion also helps a lot.