Cardio is a gym equipped with cardiovascular equipment. Now any sports club must have a cardio or cardio zone, since classes in it are an obligatory element for athletes.

Cardiovascular equipment includes:
- bicycles;
- Treadmills;
- stepplers;
- elliptical trainers.
They must have pulse and heart rate sensors.
Before a lesson, a warm-up is carried out for 10 minutes in the cardio room. It helps warm up the muscles and prepares the heart for exercise. With cardio training, endurance develops and fat stores are burned. Both a full workout and a supplement after work in the gym can be carried out. Cardio equipment differ in the technique of performing movements, and by the type of load they are completely the same. You can choose one simulator for a lesson or alternate using different ones. The result will be intense and long workouts.
After the gym, the duration of the session will be from 15 to 45 minutes. If you work out only in the cardio hall, then you need to start with 25 minutes and gradually bring up to an hour. Fat breakdown occurs only after 15 minutes of exercise on simulators.
- Exercise bikes. Suitable for practicing for people who have varicose veins, back and joint diseases. On stationary bikes, the hips and buttocks are worked out, while the back, abdomen, chest and shoulders are left unattended.
- Treadmills. Walking and jogging on the treadmills is the safest form of exercise.
- Steppers. The chest, back and shoulders are well pumped on this simulator.
- Elliptical trainers. They combine all types of simulators. With their help, you can work out the following zones: hips, buttocks, back, chest, shoulders, legs. This unit evenly distributes the load on all zones, so there are no restrictions for training on it.
Restrictions for exercising in the cardio room
- In case of varicose veins, horizontal simulators should not be used.
- If there are flat feet and problems with the spine, jogging is replaced by walking.
- If discomfort arises in the course of classes, then you need to take a break.
Systematic training on cardiovascular equipment will help not only protect the heart and blood vessels from diseases, but also lose weight.