Starting to visit the gym, I want to see the result of my work as soon as possible. But the desired effect does not always come quickly. And the point is not only in the number of classes per week, but also in proper nutrition, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism.

When to expect results from classes
Starting to play sports, people pursue a specific goal: someone wants to lose extra pounds, others dream of having a beautiful and relief body, and still others just love active activities. Therefore, each person will have their own individual training program aimed at achieving the set task. The results from the sessions will appear at different times.
For those people who want to lose weight, the main attention should be paid to cardiovascular equipment: treadmill, ellipse, exercise bike, stepper and others. It is recommended to practice for 45-60 minutes. This time is necessary for burning extra calories and losing weight. The optimal number of workouts per week is 5. If you have free time, you can do it every day, in which case it is better to alternate the simulators so that you don't get bored. As an option - 6 days a week to engage in any of the cardioline units and devote another day to swimming in the pool. With strict attendance at classes and proper nutrition, the result of training can be seen in 2-3 weeks. Most likely, the weight will change slightly, but the volumes will decrease.
If a person does not suffer from excess weight, but simply wants to tighten the body, make muscles more visible, strength training will help him. They are recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a week with a break of 24 hours. This is exactly how much is needed for muscle recovery. In one workout, you should work out a certain part of the body, you should not try to do everything at once. Nothing good will come of it. With the right approach to strength training, as well as a balanced diet, you can see the first results in 6-8 weeks. But it is worth noting the fact that muscles develop at different rates. So, the muscles of the arms "grow" faster than, for example, the first cubes of the press will appear.
It is also worth saying about those who want to simultaneously lose weight and tone their muscles. For such people, the best training option is 2 strength classes and 2 cardio sets per week. They will be able to see the result in 4-6 weeks. But with the condition of proper nutrition and constant exercise.
By the way, no matter what goal a person pursues when visiting the gym to see their result, it is recommended to weigh yourself once a week and take measurements of the abdomen, hips, chest, etc.
How to eat to speed up the process
Those who are struggling with excess weight need to switch to proper nutrition. Refusal from sweet, starchy, fatty, fast-foot and other unhealthy foods is a must. It is advisable not to eat for 2 hours before cardio workout. If the hunger is very strong, it is worth having a snack with something proteinaceous, without carbohydrates. For example, a small piece of meat, fish or a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese. After training, you should refrain from eating for at least an hour.
People doing strength training, on the other hand, need to eat complex carbohydrates an hour before class. Any boiled porridge is an excellent option. And 20-60 minutes after the workout is over, you need to eat something protein. It can be either a protein shake or low-fat cottage cheese or boiled chicken breast.