In the morning to work, then from work, a late rich dinner, and then sleep arrived in time. Thus, all days pass except weekends.

In a healthy body healthy mind

The people of our time do not have enough energy for active recreation. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, their body experiences a lack of physical activity, and subsequently health problems come. Therefore, it is very gratifying that modern man increasingly began to give preference to a healthy rhythm, refusing cigarettes, alcohol and instant food. Active rest, walks in the fresh air and sports become an integral part of his schedule.
It has long been proven that playing sports strengthens not only the body, but also the spirit. Sport builds character, teaches you to achieve your goals, trains willpower. Blood pressure and brain activity are normalized. The aging process slows down. A person involved in sports is always fit, has a beautiful figure, eats right, monitors his health and, of course, is in a good mood.
He is less susceptible to environmental aggression, suffers less from ailments and stress. After all, sport will require certain efforts, overcoming weaknesses, constant work on oneself. A person will get stronger physically and grow up as a person.

Loads should be increased gradually
But you need to start your sports in stages. Choose the degree of physical activity, soberly assessing your strength. Plan your day to minimize missed workouts. Balance nutrition, because classes will require large energy costs from the body. And only then start exercising, gradually increasing the load and constantly listening to your feelings. It is very important not to overdo it and thereby not harm yourself.
The desired results will not come immediately. Need time. The main condition is that training should be regular, and the load should be dosed. Well, the rush of good mood will be felt immediately. The body will be saturated with oxygen, the muscles will wake up, and a light will appear in the eyes.