To defeat everyone in a fight, you need to have the skills to fight and defend. But even knowledge of techniques does not always help if there is no self-confidence and self-confidence. That is why it is also important to develop a winning psychology in yourself.

There is always a chance to get into a situation where you have to use physical force. At the same time, even a trained person with a delivered blow sometimes gives in, forgetting about his skills, falling into a panic.
It has long been noticed that the most powerful fighters participating in fights without rules come from disadvantaged neighborhoods, where they have to constantly defend their rights with fists. At the level of reflexes of such fighters, it is laid down to fight without fear of receiving a painful blow. They have polished every movement, although it does not look as beautiful as shown in films or in demonstrations of martial artists.
Winner psychology
In order to win everyone in a fight, you need to have the psychology of a winner, that is, to be confident in your abilities. How is this confidence acquired? In practice, when there is a contact fight and a victory is won. But in a calmer world, Spartan training conditions are not for everyone. You can build confidence by sparring in the gym, lightly hitting your opponent so as not to hurt or injure yourself. Skills are gradually developed, which are deposited at the level of reflexes.
Before the fight, even if it is against five or ten opponents, there is no need to think about defeat or consequences. If the fight cannot be avoided, you need to relax and try to use all your skills for the benefit of future victory. Cheek brings success.
Inner calm
Renowned champion fighters say you can't hate your opponent. Emotions overwhelm, cloud the mind. Only a cold mind and clear calculation can bring victory. You need to imagine that in front of you is a simple person, a reflection of yourself, who just needs to be defeated.
While maintaining inner calmness, it is best to look in the eyes. In the eyes of the opponent, you can find out about the upcoming attack, as they reflect the intention. Even if you missed an attack, don't despair. There is not a single soldier who has not received a body or face at least once.
Against a group of people. Choose a leader
If you have to confront a group of people, you can very quickly resolve the conflict, incapacitating only one person. To do this, you need to determine who is the leader and knock him out. When the "sticky" people see that the leader is knocked out, the herd feeling prompts them to run wherever they look. They will forget about their intentions, since they are dictated by the will of the defeated leader.
Beating any opponent is good. But you need to remember that the main rival is yourself. Having conquered yourself, your laziness, cowardice, indecision, you can compete with others. At the same time, you do not need to attack first - this is a sign of a low level of development and inner cowardice.