How To Speed Up Your Metabolism

How To Speed Up Your Metabolism
How To Speed Up Your Metabolism

Metabolism is a continuous process of metabolism, the quality and speed of which determines the correct assimilation of food, the maintenance of the vital activity of the body, the amount of fat cells in the body. Accelerated metabolism contributes to natural weight loss, improvement of the digestive system and the condition of hair, skin, nails.

How to speed up your metabolism
How to speed up your metabolism

There is a misconception that all obese people suffer from a slow metabolism. The speed of this process can be influenced by many factors: a person's gender, age, occupation, the presence of chronic diseases, hormonal imbalance, etc. To calculate the base level of metabolic rate, there are universal formulas that must be used with adjustments for gender and level of physical activity.

Factors affecting metabolic rate

One of the most common reasons for a slowdown in metabolism are diet errors: the use of a large amount of confectionery and fatty foods; unbalanced diets; intake of insufficient amount of water; violation of the diet; deficiency of vitamins and minerals. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, and an inadequate night's sleep have a significant effect on the metabolic rate.


How to speed up your metabolism

First of all, it is necessary to reconsider food habits and switch to fractional meals: eat often, but in small portions, avoiding the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger. A healthy source of protein should be the basis of your diet: eggs, cottage cheese, nuts, legumes, lean meats, and fish. Also, do not forget about fiber, for the breakdown of which the body will have to spend a large amount of energy: whole grain bran, cabbage, apples, broccoli, etc.

Increased fluid intake plays a beneficial role in accelerating metabolism: at least 2 liters of pure water daily, green and herbal tea without sugar, coconut milk, still mineral water with the addition of lemon juice. It is important to remember that alcoholic beverages are high in calories, so they should be avoided.


Exercise to speed up metabolism

The greatest effect in the process of improving metabolism and natural fat burning is the alternation of physical activity of varying intensity. The easiest way to switch to an active lifestyle is regular walking, during which the speed of movement changes: for 2-3 minutes you can walk at a leisurely pace, after which you need to move at the highest possible pace for 30-90 seconds.

In addition, good results can be achieved by starting to engage in high-intensity aerobic and strength training. Cardio activities can include treadmill or stationary cycling, jumping rope, running, swimming. Beginners are encouraged to train under the guidance of an experienced trainer, who selects the level of loads on an individual basis.

Strength training at the initial stage can be limited to working with your own weight: push-ups, squats, work on the press and other muscle groups. Exercises aimed not only at burning fat, but also at increasing muscle mass, will significantly speed up your metabolism and get a beautiful body shape.
