Metabolism is nothing more than the rate at which calories are consumed by the human body. The more and faster a person burns calories in automatic mode, the higher the metabolism. Metabolism can be accelerated if many factors are taken into account.

Intelligent load
As a rule, brain activity is the least significant factor in terms of accelerating metabolism. Working in the intellectual field, you will spend 2-3% more calories from your metabolism.
But if during intellectual activity there is some kind of nervous tension, the body goes into a stressful regime. This contributes to the fact that the body begins to spend already 11-19% percent more than the baseline calorie expenditure. Stress is much better than brain activity is able to influence an increase in heart rate, and therefore on energy expenditure per unit of time.
Providing temperature control
In order to maintain a body temperature of 36.6 degrees in the cold, the body needs to spend a certain amount of calories. Calories are energy and energy is converted to heat. The lower the ambient temperature, the more calories are spent.
For example, when you are exercising on a treadmill, do not wrap yourself up too tightly. Allow your body to feel a little cool. This will at least slightly increase your metabolism.
Use this property, take a contrast shower. In this case, everything works according to the same principle, that is, the body gives up a large amount of calories for the constant regulation of body temperature.
When a person eats, his body needs to expend calories in order to metabolize food. There is a direct pattern: when you consume 50 g of protein, you spend 60 calories just for its absorption. The calorie content of 50 grams is 200 kcal, that is, energy costs when consuming protein increase by 30%. Whereas fatty foods increase waste by 0-5%, carbohydrate foods by 5-15%.
A protein diet is almost always accompanied by weight loss and increased metabolism. Even if a pregnant woman is fed a high protein diet, the baby will be born with a lower percentage of fat. Moreover, he is born healthier.
Availability of training
The presence of strength training accelerates metabolism not only during training, but also after it for 24 hours. The metabolic rate will be increased by 10-12 percent. You trained, and for another day after that you will burn more calories offline.
Cardio can also speed up your metabolism by increasing your heart rate. After all, the higher the pulse value, the more calories will be burned per unit of time.
So, increasing the metabolic rate is a very real task. Take a contrast shower, exercise, increase the percentage of protein in your diet. Together, these methods will dramatically speed up your daily calorie burn.