Crossfit is a functional training method that includes elements of gymnastics, weight and track and field athletics, rowing. Scaling is one of the main aspects of this technique and its philosophy, which is the ability to put athletes in the same conditions, despite different levels of training.

Not so long ago, when the word "crossfit" was used, everyone imagined athletes who first lift a heavy barbell a hundred times, then do pull-ups two hundred times, well, ten kilometers for dessert. Now CrossFit is positioned not only as fitness, which helps to become the most prepared person on earth (see CrossFit Games), but also as a training program for improving health and rehabilitation. According to the CrossFit Journal, CrossFit has helped a large number of people improve their quality of life as well as aid in the rehabilitation of injuries and surgeries.
CrossFit will make training interesting, team-based and inspiring, because its feature is the refusal to specialize.
Reasons for scaling
The first reason is safety. Everyone has a desire to show how good he is, including a beginner who does not yet know a sense of proportion and may overdo it, this is the danger. At this stage, you need to remain calm and choose the load wisely.
The second reason arising from the first is technology. Weight, difficulty, intensity should be selected so that with an increase in speed, the technique for performing the exercise remains at the highest level, otherwise training will do more harm than good.
The third reason is balance. A huge plus of CrossFit is its flexibility and scalability. You can write a complex for a trained athlete and give the same, but with a scaled complex, to your grandmother, and it should be equally difficult for them. At the same time, the athlete should not easily throw the barbell up to the ceiling, and the grandmother, struggling to twist the sun on the horizontal bar.
Scaling methodology
How does all this scaling magic happen? After assessing the level of the client's training and studying all his diseases and contraindications, the trainer forms a picture of what can and cannot be done. For example, a person with a congenital heart defect is unlikely to be told by a good trainer to run three kilometers in 10 minutes, and a client with a hernia, who, although doing deadlifts with ideal technique, is engaged in the second week, is unlikely to let him lift a hundred kilograms.
The weight should be chosen so that it is possible for the exercising person to do ten repetitions with sufficient load without distorting the technique.
The intensity of the complex is selected so that the pulse is not all the time at the extreme frequency of beats and does not exceed the values permissible for a person.
The technique should be performed as in a textbook, and here, unfortunately, one cannot do without an experienced eye. At the same time, the load and intensity should not relax, they should make you move and put in enough effort, maintaining the same balance of the grandmother and the athlete.