The Roman chair is the simplest exercise machine, which is a bench with leg braces. It is mainly used to work on the abs and oblique muscles of the abdomen, but can be used to train other muscles if desired.

Step 1
Currently, there are a lot of various simulators, one way or another using the principle of the Roman chair. Initially, the Roman chair was a method of performing exercises when the athlete sat across the training bench on his hips, that is, the buttocks were behind the bench. In this case, the legs were fixed with a roller. Knowing this principle, it is easy to simulate Roman chair exercises at home using a stool and a sofa to fix the legs.
Step 2
Currently, the Roman chair in gyms is an incline board with adjustable leg bolsters on which the athlete sits on top of it. This advanced design is much more comfortable than the classic one. It is necessary to sit on it with the buttocks, and not with the hips. Fix the legs with pre-adjusted rollers.
Step 3
To pump up the abdominal muscles, the athlete, sitting on a Roman chair, begins to lean backward until the body becomes parallel to the floor or slightly lower. If the exercise is performed on an incline bench, the torso can be extended until the back touches the bench. In this case, hands can be crossed over the chest or brought behind the head. The first embodiment is simpler, the second more efficient. The exercise is performed at a medium or slow pace. When moving down, exhale, when moving up, inhale. If desired, additional weights can be held behind the head or on the chest.
Step 4
Exercises in the Roman chair are much more effective than the classic lying body raises, but they are also more traumatic. The only way to avoid injury is to keep your back rounded, but not bending at the lower back. Weights should be selected carefully and used only when there is already experience in performing such exercises.
Step 5
To work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen, it is recommended to perform twisting in a Roman chair. The exercise is performed in the same way, only during the upward movement, the body alternately turns in one direction or the other at an angle of 30-60 degrees, creating a load on the oblique muscles.
Step 6
There are also hyperextensions or hyperextension performed in a Roman chair for the long muscles of the back. The athlete sits on a Roman chair with his stomach down and performs flexion and extension of the trunk with the arms behind the head. It should be noted that not all versions of the Roman chair allow you to perform hyperextension, since the position of the fixing rollers in this case should be completely different.