Ancient texts say that the headstand has a tremendous healing effect on the body. It improves blood circulation to the brain and internal organs, improving their function and preventing various pathological conditions. How do you learn to do a headstand on your own?

One of the main yoga asanas, the benefits for the body from which it is difficult to overestimate, is the headstand. Of course, to an unprepared person, she seems to be something transcendent, which he cannot reproduce. However, you can learn to stand on your head - all you need to do is follow certain instructions.
Preparing for a headstand
The very first thing you should learn before doing the headstand is to be calm in an inverted position. When a person first sees the surrounding space inverted 180 degrees, he may experience panic, which is unacceptable when performing such a serious exercise as a headstand. Therefore, in the beginning, the student masters the preparatory postures.
Fold the yoga mat into 4 layers and place it against the wall. Get down on all fours next to him, reach forward, grab your elbows with your fingers and place them on the mat a short distance from the wall. Without changing the position of the elbows relative to each other, join your hands in a lock and, close to the crossed fingers, lower your head to the crown. The back of your head should fit snugly against your hands. If possible, straighten your knees and move closer to the wall so that your back touches it along the entire length.
The main task of the student is to push off the floor with his elbows with all his might so that the weight in no case falls on the neck. The weight should be evenly distributed between each of the elbows and the lock of the palms with which you push off the mat. At the same time, direct the trapezius muscles up towards the pelvis so that the neck does not pinch.
How to master the headstand
Once you are quite used to seeing the world upside down and understand how to work with your arms and shoulders in inverted poses, you can try the full headstand. To do this, enter a preparatory pose and get your feet even closer to the wall. Swing one leg towards the wall, and when it goes up, the other will follow it by inertia. Press your heels against the wall and continue to push off the floor with your hands, freeing your neck.
Once you have mastered the headstand, you can bring it up to 3, 5, or even 10 minutes - as long as you can stay in an inverted position without feeling discomfort. Gradually try to do a headstand not only near the wall, but also in the middle of the room. This pose, like no other, heals and rejuvenates the body.