Increasing your weight-carrying capacity during strength training or fitness training is a must-have to ensure you have beautiful definition and strong muscles. It will also help increase your overall endurance and muscle strength levels.

It is necessary to increase the weight used during training gradually, avoiding jerks, and at the same time regularly, so that the muscles do not have time to get used to the load.
Working with cardio and stretching
Cardio training, as odd as it sounds, can significantly help increase endurance and muscle strength. Competent alternation of cardio and strength training can increase overall exercise tolerance by more than 25%. Cardio training also relieves muscle stress after strength training, helping muscles recover faster.
Such exercises should be included in strength exercises at the very beginning to warm up the muscles (15 minutes), in the middle (10 minutes) and at the end of the workout (10-15 minutes). If there is no treadmill and the opportunity to run, a jump rope will come to the rescue, which is commonly used to increase endurance.
Before and after training, at least 5 minutes of stretching (stretching) is imperative. It will help warm up the muscles and allow them to work longer, avoiding general fatigue. In addition, a well-done stretching will significantly reduce pain.
Weight and work with it
Weight gain is a very sensitive issue. For the first stage, you need to choose the smallest of all possible weights. For example, for a barbell, take pancakes no heavier than three to four kilograms. With a minimum weight, the work is carried out for about two weeks, during which it is necessary to increase the number of approaches to the exercise. For example, a barbell press from the chest: the initial three sets of five times should be brought to five sets of twenty.
Only after the implementation of these approaches ceases to largely tire and load the muscles, it is necessary to proceed to the second stage - an increase in the total weight used during training, 1/3 of its total mass. This is necessary in order not to strain the muscles.
The third stage is exactly the same. But during the fourth, you need to lower the weight itself, but increase the number of approaches two to three times. This will help prevent the muscles from getting used to the increasing stress and give them the necessary rest.
If the weight gain is correct, the endurance and strength of the muscles will increase significantly. If not, then symptoms such as general fatigue, sharp, pulling muscle pains and even insomnia may appear. If this happens, you need to give your muscles time to recover and completely replace strength training with cardio.