Initially, this type of martial art did not involve division into styles. The first masters and founders advocated the creation of a single school, however, not everyone agreed with this.

Time passed and karate split into many separate schools. New styles have appeared and continue to appear to this day. This is due to the fact that many outstanding masters bring something of their own into the existing style and thus a new school with its own name is born. It also happens that the student, for some reason, cannot perform certain movements, or performs them incorrectly for a long time, in this regard, the movement itself is modified. However, true karate masters who have dedicated their lives to this art are not recognized by most self-proclaimed schools and homegrown karatekas.
Today it is impossible to name the exact number of karate styles, it is only known that there are more than several hundred of them. Nevertheless, there are four main styles of Japanese karate.
Shotokan. Its founder was the master Funakoshi Gichin. The emblem of this style is the tiger. The greatest attention is paid to spiritual development and education. The main requirement is the observance of rituals, norms and rules. Shotokan features wide uprights, rigid blocks and linear movements. The basic principle of the style is to strike with one blow. Tactics: sharpness, impulsiveness, hard balance, stability due to deep stances.

Goju-Ryu. Founder of Chojun Miyagi. A feature of the style is combat effectiveness based on internal energy. It combines the principles of hard and soft technique. The emphasis is on close combat, which allows it to be used in confined spaces.
Wado-ryu. Founder of Hironori Otsuka. The emblem depicts a clenched fist and a white dove. This style requires the most agility and mobility, unlike all others. It does not use rigid blocks and punches, as in Shotokan, but uses the maneuverability of the body, smoothness and length of movement. Throws and sweeps are actively used.

Shito-ryu. One of the oldest schools of karate. Founder Kenwa Mabuni. The main feature of the style is aesthetics and artistry. Tactics: reaction speed, power, hard blows and blocks, soft movement, mobility, unexpected attack, defense by attack.