Sneakers for every sports lover are an extremely important thing. Their choice is met scrupulously, so that, at least, it is convenient to practice. As a maximum - so as not to lose health during active workouts that require running exercises, jumps, etc. How to choose the right non-fake sneakers, to distinguish them from the copies that have flooded all markets everywhere?

1. Brand store. First of all, go to a trusted store. If you want to buy Reebok sneakers, then go, respectively, to the company store. Yes, it will be much more expensive there than in some provincial online store. However, at least here you will have reason to believe that the product is not counterfeit. And to take a closer look, touch, turn it in your hands, ask the sellers is also an important part of the choice.
2. Quality execution. In factories where counterfeit goods are stamped in huge batches, working conditions are often unattractive. They pay pitiful pennies, but you have to work a lot. Who will bother about the quality of the product? So, on fake sneakers you can see, and most importantly, an inaccurately stuck sole with bright traces of dried glue. This glue can also be found in other parts of the shoe (in the form of characteristic spots).
3. Proper quality of materials. Is everyone familiar with the characteristic scent of cheap Chinese shoes? Well, fake sneakers sometimes smell no better. If you smell an unpleasant smell, touch the materials by touch (and they resembled a piece of oilcloth), then we are talking about a gross fake. There are fakes and better ones, here you should already pay attention to the sole. It plays a huge role in sneakers, but dishonest manufacturers do not always pay due attention to it. Be sure to find on the Internet a photo of the model you need from the official website and compare the sole of the original with what you are holding in your hands. It is extremely rare that the shape is the same in all the little things.