Interestingly, the first soccer balls were made from the bladder of an animal. The only inconvenience for the players of those times was that strong blows on the ball quickly rendered the main element of the game unusable. How to make a soccer ball from more affordable materials, we will consider further.

It is necessary
Needle, sewing machine, synthetic material, latex or butyl
Step 1
Tire. A soccer ball consists of three main elements - tires, linings, and a camera. The strength of the ball and, accordingly, the duration of the entire match depends on the choice of tire material. To avoid stopping the game often to change the ball, make it out of synthetic material rather than genuine leather. The skin is sensitive and absorbs moisture, which negatively affects the ball's sphericity. Use synthetic materials such as PVC or polyurethane.
Step 2
Lining. The lining fabric is between the tube and the tire. It gives elasticity to the ball. The cheapest lining material is fabric and foam. These materials absorb moisture and therefore add weight to the ball. It is best to use processed cotton fibers that repel water. They should be laid on top of each other while stitching in different directions. The flexibility of the ball and the ability to recover its shape after hitting depend on this.
Step 3
Camera. The camera shapes the ball, and its bounce depends largely on its material. You can choose butyl or latex. Latex gives sensitivity to the ball and, over time, allows air to pass through, therefore it is subject to rapid deflation. Butyl cameras will last longer, but are bulkier and more rigid.
Step 4
Connection of three elements. Once you have figured out the materials and found the right ones, you should find a sewing machine. First, cut the outer tire material into several pieces, sew the lining pieces to it, which should be placed on top of each other in a chaotic manner. Sew all materials on the wrong side. Once the process comes to the last seam joining the sides of the ball, turn it from wrong side to front. Insert the camera and sew the last seam with a special thick needle, hiding it inward.