Feints in football are beautiful movements with the help of which a player can bypass an opponent without losing the ball. Almost no football match is complete without football tricks. Watching how famous football players do fantastically beautiful things with the ball, it seems that it is impossible to repeat all this. However, the secret lies in the practice. The footballers also trained.

Step 1
To learn how to do football feints, in addition to practice, you also need knowledge of the theory, according to which tricks are performed with the aim of misleading an opponent. You can perform them with your head, legs, body, and not only with the ball, but also without it. With the ball, deceiving movements are more difficult, because for them you will need to perform fairly complex movements. After all, you need not only to keep the ball with you, but also not to lose it in the process of performing feints.
Step 2
The following feints are most often used in football: - False ball transfer;
- Kick the ball towards the heel;
- Turn around the ball;
- Shifting the leg over the ball, followed by tilting the body to one side and leaving the opponent in the other direction;
- Quick return of the ball under the foot with its subsequent pushing forward.
Step 3
As an example, we will cite a feint that is quite difficult to perform, but at the same time, easily mastered with the right approach. It is done as follows: the ball is on the ground, and the player with the outside of the foot of his right foot pulls the ball to the right, after which (while the ball has not yet gone far) sends it sharply to the left at the bend of the leg. This movement will require good stretching and elasticity. A very useful trick that helps to mislead the opponent and make him lose the direction of the ball. At this time, it will be easy to get around.
Step 4
After the theory, you can safely start watching the training videos. Finally, you can go to train with friends in the gym or on the football field. As a last resort, you can practice in the yard.