How To Build Facial Muscles

How To Build Facial Muscles
How To Build Facial Muscles

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Every woman dreams of a beautiful figure. Slim legs and a thin waist are great. However, it is not enough to strengthen the muscles of the body. It is worth thinking about the face, because the drooping corners of the eyes, flabby cheeks and a floating oval can ruin the whole impression. You can keep your face toned with simple exercises that will give your face a fresh look and help build up your facial muscles.

Smile and your face will always be young
Smile and your face will always be young

It is necessary

mirror, persistence


Step 1

Look in the mirror and smile at your reflection. Put a smile on your face. Then relax your muscles, tighten your lips and exhale through your mouth, vibrating your lips. Finish each exercise with this relaxing exhalation.

Step 2

Stand up and tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Try to tighten your legs and buttocks. Raise your arms up while taking a deep breath. Inhale through your mouth, closing your teeth. Then slowly lower your arms and exhale. Exhale through your mouth, making your lips a tube. Repeat this exercise at least four times.

Step 3

Stand with your hands on your belt. Look straight ahead. Turn your head to the left, inhaling with the left corner of your mouth. Exhale, returning to the original position. Then turn your head to the right, inhaling through the right corner of your mouth. Return to starting position. Repeat this exercise at least four times.

Step 4

Stand with your hands on your belt. Rotate 90 ° while raising your arms. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. As you exhale, try to puff out your cheeks as much as possible. Repeat at least four times.

Step 5

Stand up straight, straighten up. Inhale through your nose, closing your eyelids. Exhale through your mouth, while contracting the lips and muscles around your mouth. Repeat at least four times.

Step 6

Stand with your hands on your waist and your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean back while inhaling through your mouth. Lower your jaw while inhaling. Return to starting position. Lean forward with your arms out to the sides. Exhale while lifting your lower jaw. Repeat four times.

Step 7

Stand with your hands on your waist and your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhaling, move your lower jaw to the left or right. As you exhale, bring your jaw back to its normal position. Repeat at least four times.

Step 8

Stand with your hands on your waist and your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale by clenching your teeth and spreading the corners of your mouth. Exhale while lowering the lower jaw. Repeat at least four times. Do facial exercises every day and you will look amazing.
