If, over time, the reflection in the mirror began not to please, but to upset you, then this is a sure sign that you need to start taking care of your appearance. In addition to various exercises to improve the figure, there is also the so-called aerobics for the face, which is able, if not to prevent its age-related changes, then at least to postpone them for a sufficiently long time.

Not a single woman has yet managed to avoid aging of the skin of the face. For almost all of them, sagging cheeks, drooping eyebrows and the appearance of more and more new wrinkles become a real tragedy. Not all women know that plastic surgery is not the only way to stop the ruthless passage of time.
Facial aerobics - what is it?
Face building, or aerobics for the face, is a set of exercises that, if performed systematically, will make you look significantly younger. If you do it daily, then after a month and a half your facial muscles will become denser and stop striving downward, obeying the force of gravity. Excess adipose tissue localized under the skin of the face will disappear over time; as a result, you will look much younger, fresher and more attractive.
Face-building as an alternative to plastic surgery has only one drawback - this is not an activity for those who like to be lazy and feel sorry for themselves. If you do not devote at least 10-15 minutes daily to aerobics for the face, then the results obtained during classes can be very quickly lost. Unfortunately, with age, human soft tissues become less elastic and taut, and only constant work on oneself allows you to keep them in good shape.
Basic exercises in face building
In order to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, press the back of the hand against it and raise and lower the eyebrows, not allowing the skin of the forehead to move with them - 10 repetitions. Then, with your fingers, press on the inner corners of the eyebrows and forcefully move them towards each other, as if frowning. Repeat this exercise ten times.
Nothing can so disfigure a woman's face as sagging "bulldog cheeks". In order to restore elasticity and sculptural shape to your cheeks, inflate them as much as possible and relax them sharply. As you do different variations of this exercise, push the air from top to bottom, side to side, diagonally, and in a circle. Then, press your palms onto your air-filled cheeks, while stretching your lips in a smile. Do three repetitions.
To strengthen the muscles around the lips and lower cheeks, pull the upper lip forward as far as possible; then - the bottom. After that, with your mouth open, try to "smack" the air. Do 10 repetitions of each exercise.
In order to stop sagging eyelids and restore youth and beauty to your eyes, open them as wide as possible for 3-5 seconds. Then press the pads of your index fingers on the bone at the outer corner of the eye and blink, overcoming resistance. After that, move your fingers to the bone under the eye and blink again. Repeat the same exercise with your head down. Finally, open your mouth as wide as possible and blink quickly for 10 seconds.
If you want to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of this set of facial exercises, then take a close-up photo of yourself before starting to exercise, and after a couple of months compare it with the freshly taken photo. The results you see will be the best motivation for you to do facial aerobics every day.