How Can You Replace Dumbbells At Home

How Can You Replace Dumbbells At Home
How Can You Replace Dumbbells At Home

Today almost every home has sports equipment - dumbbells, barbells, pancakes, and some even have exercise bikes. But there are situations when there is not even a simple familiar sports equipment. Do not despair - experts say that dumbbells and weights, for example, can be easily replaced with improvised means.

How can you replace dumbbells at home
How can you replace dumbbells at home

In dumbbells and kettlebells, the most important thing is weight, not their shape. Yes, they are made to fit comfortably in the hand. But still, if they are not at hand, it will not be difficult to find an adequate replacement for them by weight.

How to replace dumbbells

Experts say that dumbbells can be easily replaced with ordinary books. To do this, it is enough to pick up heavier volumes, and you can safely start classes. Moreover, finding a heavy book in almost any home will not be difficult. This is due to the fact that the majority have not yet switched to the electronic reading mode and often keep several thick and heavy dictionaries at home.

When choosing books to build muscle, be careful. After all, there is always a risk that the publication is valuable. And in this case, it is better not to experiment, try to look for something more common.

True, it should be borne in mind that such a tool is not universal, because it is not particularly convenient during training to hold a book, or even several in hand, and at the same time try to perform squats, bends, turns, etc. Therefore, we have to dwell on small options. And the benefits of such are not so much.

Alternatively, the dumbbells can be replaced with regular plastic bottles. And that would be preferable to borrowing books. Firstly, they are more comfortable in shape and closer to dumbbells. Secondly, it is easier to adjust the weight in them.

To make plastic bottles turn into a kind of dumbbells, it is enough to fill them with water or sand, depending on how much weight you need for training. So, for beginners in fitness, a container for half a liter or a liter is suitable. For those who have been practicing classes in the gym for a long time, it is better to choose bottles of 1, 5-2 liters.

You can also use ordinary bricks as dumbbells. But here you should be prepared for the fact that they can crumble, dust, and in general do not fit very well in your hands. If there are no options at all, you can break the bricks into halves - at least it will be more convenient to hold them.

Remember that brick is a rather easily soiled material. Therefore, before starting a workout, it is advisable to wrap them in cellophane or a rag. Otherwise, you risk getting the floor and yourself dirty after training.

What to consider

Naturally, you should understand that this is a forced measure, and simply helps you stay in shape in situations when the equipment you are used to is not at hand. However, experts suggest finding a way out. For example, you can buy a spare set of dumbbells and put them in the trunk of your car. So, he will always be at your fingertips.

If this is not possible, try to find out where you can rent equipment. As a last resort, you can purchase used equipment - it costs much less than new.
