Pumped up deltoids and strong shoulders tend to transform a man's figure for the better. With a body like this, it's not a shame to wear a sleeveless T-shirt. You can only achieve results with careful work on yourself and your body.

Step 1
You can pump up the deltoid muscles, make your shoulders strong and prominent at home. The duration of your workouts should be approximately 30 minutes. This time is enough to pump all the delta heads. Further training loses its meaning, as the muscle gets tired and loses its productivity. The main thing is that the classes are comprehensive.
Step 2
You will need dumbbells to swing the deltoid muscle. They are not very expensive and will not take up much space at home. The first exercise to master is the seated press. It is aimed at the anterior and lateral muscle bundles, triceps. It is necessary to sit comfortably on a bench or chair, take dumbbells, place your hands at ear level, then lift the dumbbells vertically upwards. You can alternately change the grip: direct, reverse, neutral. Depending on this, one or another part of the muscle will be affected. You can lift the dumbbells one by one, first the right and then the left.
Step 3
Another exercise performed while sitting. The dumbbells should be held in a neutral grip, the arm extended in front of you while not bending the elbow. You need to stay in this position for 3 seconds, then repeat the same actions with the other hand.
Step 4
In bodybuilding, the standing press is used to swing the front and middle deltas. The result will not be long in coming, the shoulders will become more voluminous and take on an expressive shape. Legs must be placed shoulder-width apart, take the barbell with a wide grip from above. Next, the bar must be raised at chest level. It should be squeezed smoothly and evenly over the head, then lowered to chest level. During the exercise, you can help yourself by moving your torso and legs. The barbell press can be performed from a sitting position. You need to sit comfortably on the bench, take the barbell with a wide grip and bring it behind your head. Squeeze over your head should be even and smooth, then return to its original position.
Step 5
Not only intensive training will help to transform your body, but also proper sports nutrition, with which the body receives material for muscle formation. You should include more complex carbohydrates in your diet. It can be rice, buckwheat porridge. It is equally important to eat protein foods: meat, fish, eggs. All efforts will not be in vain and will certainly bring results.