How To Learn To Do Twine. Stretching Exercises

How To Learn To Do Twine. Stretching Exercises
How To Learn To Do Twine. Stretching Exercises

What girl doesn't dream of a full hip stretch? Sitting on a twine will not work right away, stretching the muscles and ligaments should be done gradually, for this there is a whole range of exercises.

How to learn to do twine. Stretching exercises
How to learn to do twine. Stretching exercises

You can learn how to do twine in a few months, exercising three times a week. The training time is about 15-20 minutes, so it is convenient to train even in breaks between chores. Over time, it may be necessary to increase the intensity and time of training, but this is done on an individual basis with a sense of the body's capabilities.

Clothes for twine training should be loose. A sports bra, short shorts, or leggings work well. If classes are held at home, shoes can be avoided.

Before training, be sure to warm up your muscles. This can be done with squats and jumping rope, light jogging, or a hot bath. After warming up, the muscles should be toned by performing leg swings. The starting position for transverse swings is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms outstretched in front of you and rested against the wall. Alternately, you need to raise and swing from side to side, first one and then the other leg. Longitudinal swings must be performed, turning sideways to the wall and resting against it with one hand. The left and right legs need to swing back and forth with the pendulum, reaching the extreme stress points. When performing this exercise, a slight monotonous pain should be felt in the legs.

The first stretching exercise is performed while sitting on the buttocks, legs bent, knees apart, feet folded in front of you. With springy movements without the help of hands, you should try to touch the floor with your knees. The exercise is performed for two and a half minutes.

A melancholy, pulling pain is a good sign indicating the correct stretching of the muscles and ligaments. If the pain becomes sharp and burning, the training should be stopped immediately by applying ice to the injured muscle.

The starting position for the second exercise is on your knees with your legs spread all the way to the stop, your shins are directed back and to the sides, you need to try to keep them parallel to the floor. It is necessary to bend over as much as possible, stretch your chest to the floor, supporting your torso with your hands. At the point of maximum tension, you need to stop and fix the body in this position for 2-3 minutes. The exercise must be repeated at least two times, in the second month of training, each leg must be straightened in turn, taking it to the side.

The third exercise is bends. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, heels do not come off the floor. You need to bend forward until it stops, fix the body and start reaching for the floor with springy movements. It is very important not to bend your knees and keep your palms parallel to the floor. This exercise can be improved over time. Starting position - sitting, palms on the floor straight in front of you. You need to try to get up to a standing position without taking your hands off the floor.

When performing this exercise, special attention should be paid to the back. At the beginning of the exercise, the spine should be kept straight as long as possible; if tension and mild pain appear, the back can be relaxed a little.

You need to finish the workout with attempts to sit on the twine. To avoid injury, you can do one simple exercise. Sitting on the floor and spreading your legs to the sides, you need to rest them against the wall. Then gradually rise up and approach the wall, spreading your legs more strongly. After each advance, you need to fix the position for up to one minute, then continue stretching. In the position of maximum stretch, you need to hold the body for at least three minutes.
