What Kind Of Break Is Needed Between Sets

What Kind Of Break Is Needed Between Sets
What Kind Of Break Is Needed Between Sets

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Depending on the ultimate goal of training, athletes take different breaks between sets. The short-term recovery period on average can vary from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

What kind of break is needed between sets
What kind of break is needed between sets


Step 1

Train your endurance. If your main task is to prepare the body for competitions that require the development of endurance, pauses between sets should be made about 30 seconds. The maximum limit is 60 seconds. All representatives of cyclic sports competing over long distances in the gym should adhere to this very rule - a large number of repetitions in one approach with small pauses between. The same breaks are true for hobbyists who go to the gym, whose main goal is to get rid of body fat or work out the cardiovascular system.

Step 2

Build muscle. If you do not suffer from excess weight, and endurance training is not your primary task - pause between sets for 90 seconds. One and a half minute intervals are ideal for athletes looking to gain muscle mass or pump a specific muscle group. The minimum rest time in this case will be 60 seconds, the maximum - 120 seconds. When training, the goal of which is to gain muscle mass, it is necessary to perform a moderate number of repetitions in one approach (8-12).

Step 3

Increase your strengths. Some athletes do not strive to have significant muscle mass. If this is about you, you can pay attention to strength training. Exercises are done with a weight that you can lift 1-3 times. In this case, the pause between sets will be about 3-5 minutes. When strength training, you don't have to do many sets. In addition to warm-up, it is enough to approach the apparatus 3 to 5 times. The amount of strength training should also not be too much. It is enough to perform the basic ones - squats, bench press, deadlift. In the vast majority of other exercises, developing strength is impractical. Exercise machines, for example, are only needed to keep the body in good shape, and not to develop strength.

Step 4

Do extreme workouts. In recent years, CrossFit has been gaining popularity. Athletes perform a set consisting of several exercises, between which there are no pauses. This type of training is also primarily aimed at improving the body's endurance. In addition, muscle relief is perfectly worked out and fat is burned. However, not everyone can do such workouts with a lack of rest, so only trained athletes should do it at an energetic pace.
