How To Make A Press At Home

How To Make A Press At Home
How To Make A Press At Home

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To remove extra centimeters at the waist and make a beautiful tummy, you don't have to go to a fitness club and seek help from a personal trainer. To do this, it is enough to do a set of exercises for the press at home, devoting half an hour a day to this.

How to make a press at home
How to make a press at home


Step 1

Before starting the exercises, you need to do a warm-up: dance or jump rope. While doing exercises, you cannot relax the press, it must be in tension all the time. During classes, give all your best, the result will depend on it. First, start practicing one or two approaches, gradually increasing the load. You need to do exercises for the press three to four times a week, and for quick results, do it every day. Don't eat lunch before or after class.

Step 2

It is advisable to stretch before starting the exercises. To do this, you need to lie on your stomach and bend back as much as possible. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds, repeat 3-4 approaches 10 times and you can start exercises for the press.

Step 3

Put your feet together, squatting, take your buttocks back. With your torso tilted, place your hands on your hips. As you inhale, round your belly (try to inflate it with a ball). Straighten up and raise your arms up, while it is necessary to straighten your back as much as possible. Inhale and suck in your stomach. Inhale slowly and push your belly forward, while the lower belly should fill with air. Exhale and draw in your stomach as much as possible. While doing this exercise, your belly should make a wave-like movement. Do the exercise 15-20 times.

Step 4

Lie on your back and clasp your hands behind your head. As you exhale, raise your shoulder blades and bend your legs. Pull your knees towards your chest and your heels against your buttocks. Do not forget to draw in live while doing this. Then spread your legs: pull the knee of your right leg to your left elbow, and straighten your left leg and leave it on weight. Repeat the same movement, changing legs. Repeat the exercise until you are tired.

Step 5

Lie on your side and bend your legs slightly. The shoulder on your side should be slightly in front of you. If you lie on your left side, lean slightly to the right. Lifting your knees and heels off the floor, reach with your hands at your heels. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. Next, stretch your oblique abdominal muscles. To do this, throw your arms to the right and your knees to the left. Do the same exercises while lying on the other side.

Step 6

Lie on your back, bend your legs slightly and spread them shoulder-width apart. Put your hands along your torso, your lower back should be pressed to the floor. As you exhale, pull your stomach in strongly, and lift your hips up. Raising your hips as much as possible, remain in this position for 30-60 seconds. You can complicate the exercise a little, while in this position, alternately straighten your legs. Try to work less with your hips.
