It is very important to meditate at the same time. It is highly desirable that the practice takes place in the same place and has a clear frequency. For example, half an hour before we go to bed. Or within twenty minutes after we woke up.

A good option if meditation occurs after practicing another type of yoga. Alternatively, after we have practiced asanas, we take time to meditate.
The importance of periodicity in meditation practice
Periodicity plays a very important role, because if we meditate every day in the same place and at the same time, then the universe falls into resonance with us. According to the teachings of yoga, besides our physical body, there are other bodies that consist of more subtle matter. All of our bodies respond to repetitive actions.
In the case of the physical body, this can be observed in the nervous system. When the action is repeated day after day, it can have a tremendous effect. If we are talking about the practice of meditation, then this effect will be extremely positive for the practitioner.
Meditation practices that occur regularly and at regular intervals have a calming effect. One day you practice, second, third, week, month, year, three years.
At some point, an internal resonance with the Universe is tuned up. Your practice undergoes a qualitative change, and you reach a level at which everything ceases to annoy you at all.
And when a person is able to control his emotional reactions, he does not waste his vitality on the right and on the left, on everything that does not lead him to his goals. Such a person becomes collected, self-possessed and effective.
If you cannot practice at the same time, then practice in the same place. And vice versa. In general, use the conditions that are already there, do not wait for ideal conditions.