It is very important to understand that meditation is a natural and harmonious process. It should not become something difficult and unnatural for the person who practices it.

Many beginner meditation practitioners think that they need to strain themselves in a certain way. Later, if they manage to get acquainted with "real yoga" meditation, they sometimes even experience disappointment. They were waiting for something complicated and abstruse, but, as it turned out, everything was not so at all.
Meditation is a natural process, which by its characteristics is closer to a child's play than to an ascetic practice in which you have to strain yourself a lot.
Children, for example, while playing, can think about something, immerse themselves in their dreams. The practice of meditation is very similar to this "occupation." But during this seemingly simple, mysterious internal processes take place.
If we set ourselves the goal of understanding how these deep processes work, then we should turn to the ancient yogic treatises. Whether we understand how this mechanism works or not, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that if we practice meditation harmoniously and regularly, we will definitely get the result!
How we meditate is very important. We remember that this is a natural process. We begin to practice the way it is possible. Gradually, our mind, which loves to control everything, will release its grip. In a more relaxed state, the practice will be much more productive.
The important goals of meditation practice are precisely the ability to relax your mind, let go of your problems and immerse yourself in your inner world. It is on this skill that your success in meditation practice will depend.