It turns out that playing sports, like any other business, must be skillful. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can not only not achieve the desired effect, but also harm yourself and your figure. Here is a list of the most useless sports exercises.

Leg trainer
In this case, we are talking about a female simulator, on which you need to spread your legs to the sides. Such a simulator is very popular, but absolutely useless, since it gives practically no results.
If you really want to use the muscles of your legs and buttocks, then classic squats can help you with this. For a start, even squatting without weight is enough, then you need to use dumbbells or a bar with pancakes for this.
Exercises with weights on the oblique muscles of the abdomen
Starting to work out in the gym, every girl first of all wants to achieve a thin, beautiful waist. Most often, women make the following mistakes: with dumbbells in their hands, they make side bends and all kinds of twists. Because of such a mistake, your waist will not get a slender look, rather the opposite.
Also, do not exhaust yourself with heavy hula-hoop workouts, because you will not notice any effect from them. In other words, try not to engage your oblique abdominal muscles in any way.
Endless swing of the press
For some reason, many have the opinion that the more you pump the abs, the faster, roughly speaking, the folds from the abdomen will disappear. This is a deep misconception. Firstly, it is impossible to get rid of fat deposits in any particular place, because they leave evenly from the whole body. Secondly, they will never leave unless they follow a certain diet. Remember that the press is also a muscle, so it must be trained correctly, 2-3 times a week for 3 sets is enough, each of which consists of 15-20 repetitions.
Irregular cardio workouts
Surely now someone will think that this is not true and that cardio exercises cannot be considered a useless sports activity. Yes, you can't do without them in losing weight, but you need to give such a load correctly. If you run too little and not regularly, there is no sense; if you run too much, you will harm yourself and your body. The best option is cardio, which lasts about 40 minutes. Conducting such training, you definitely need to monitor your heart rate. Its frequency should fluctuate between 120 and 140 beats per minute.
Relaxed swimming
Those who have set themselves the task of losing weight often begin to visit the pool and swim in it for their pleasure. If you really decide to get rid of extra pounds by swimming, then you should be in motion all the time, alternating speed and swimming styles, and not stay at the side of the entire activity.
It will be nice if you start with a coach. So there is more incentive and more desire.