Sport as an element of physical culture is inextricably linked with society. It influences the formation of a person's personal qualities, being a kind of social institution.

Step 1
Physical culture can be understood not only as work on the body, but also as work with the inner world of a person. It is an element of the culture of society and contributes to the all-round development of the individual. Sport is a part of physical culture, it allows a person to expand his capabilities and educate himself. Sport is often understood as a competitive activity, which can consist in a struggle between people or with oneself.
Step 2
Sports activities as a social action can be viewed as the ratio of the goals and means of an individual. Goals are set based on fitness level and general health. Sometimes the goal is to win for profit and glory, sometimes to set a personal record. Each achievement of the goal contributes to the development of socially important qualities in a person.
Step 3
A person involved in sports is included in a special social environment. In this environment, the leading and guiding role is played by the coach, who focuses on a sports lifestyle. Entering this environment at an early age helps to cultivate in a person faith in his own strength and the ability to apply them. These skills also help in everyday life, athletes get used to rely only on their personal qualities. Thus, the socialization of the individual takes place through sports.
Step 4
Sport unites people, it is a type of leisure activity. Group sports also require a responsibility for their actions in front of the team. Sport develops speed, agility, endurance, patience. A person becomes less susceptible to the negative influences of the external environment, the risk of depressive conditions decreases.
Step 5
If an athlete achieves a high level of professionalism, a serious social responsibility is automatically assigned to him. He becomes the idol of many, serves as an example of social behavior. From the moment of his fame, the athlete has been forced to carefully monitor his behavior and lifestyle due to this social responsibility to the younger generation.
Step 6
To increase the social responsibility of an athlete to society, the state uses various regulations. It encourages victories financially, provides some social guarantees. Many other people and organizations who have invested in him benefit from the success of an athlete, therefore sport today is a mutually beneficial activity. Profits are received by trainers, managers, sponsors.