"Sport is health, it is movement forward" - this is repeated at every corner, but people, as a rule, forget that sport always means injuries. No, you shouldn't deny yourself sports because of this, you just need to know how to protect yourself from sports injuries.

It often happens that, having come to the gym, a person loses his concentration - he thinks about work, study or other pressing problems. This is wrong, because during training you need to completely immerse yourself in it, you need to be extremely careful so that the technique of performing the exercises is correct. Yes, often sprains and muscle sprains, bruises and even fractures occur only because a person is distracted.
When choosing a particular sport, you need to familiarize yourself with safety precautions that will save you from trouble. Many close their eyes at this moment, but this is wrong, how can an uninitiated person know that, for example, in the fighting hall, it is forbidden to sit with his back to the mat? Each individual sport has certain subtleties, features and nuances.
If the theater begins with a coat rack, then a trip to the hall begins with the purchase of comfortable sports uniforms and shoes. The tracksuit should not hinder movement, and also be too large. It is worth paying attention to the length of the pants - it is important that they are not too long. The shoe you choose should be made from a breathable material and should be the right size for you. For running, this is one shoe, for boxing, another, so it is worth consulting with a trainer on this topic.
Before starting the main exercises, the muscles need to be warmed up. Everyone knows about the benefits of a warm-up, but despite this, many still skip it.
It is also important not to show up for training after a sleepless night, very tired. You should be alert, slept and in good spirits.
In the event that you have suffered an injury, then you should not rush back to the gym. It is necessary to heal it to the end, otherwise the consequences may not be reversible.
After the main workout is over, take literally a few minutes to cool down, because the muscles need to be gradually transferred to a state of rest.
By following these simple tips, you can preserve your health, as well as the health of your children.