How To Cheer Up After Sleep. Complex Of Gymnastic Exercises

How To Cheer Up After Sleep. Complex Of Gymnastic Exercises
How To Cheer Up After Sleep. Complex Of Gymnastic Exercises

It is easy to wake up and feel cheerful throughout the day, those people who go to bed on time and take at least six, but no more than eight hours to sleep. They start the morning with exercise and eat right.

How to cheer up after sleep. Complex of gymnastic exercises
How to cheer up after sleep. Complex of gymnastic exercises

Healthy sleep is just as beneficial as vitamins and fresh air. The result of a proper bedtime should be a light and vigorous morning. For a good night's rest, the following rules must be observed:

- do not eat 1-2 hours before bedtime;

- always go to bed at the same time;

- ventilate the room before going to bed;

- take relaxing and hygienic water treatments;

- go to bed in comfortable and natural underwear.

Compliance with these rules guarantees a sound sleep and a vigorous awakening. At the same time, the morning should also consist of a number of everyday, obligatory actions. In no case should you stand up abruptly. Remember how children wake up, they first stretch sweetly in their beds, then open their eyes and sit down. An adult should do the same.

A sharp rise can cause "pastoral hypotension", ie. dizziness and possible fainting. People with problems with the cardiovascular system and pregnant women are especially susceptible to this phenomenon.

Not all people love waking up early, especially in the cold season, when the temperature outside the window is low and the daylight hours are short. A set of morning exercises, which must be started while still in bed, helps to tune in to a working mood. Take your time to get up, stretch, arch your back, straighten your arms and legs, feel the strength in the muscles.

Wave your arms and then your legs. You can act chaotically, the main goal is to warm up muscles and joints that have become numb during sleep. Don't forget to throw off the covers before doing this. If the room is cool, these movements will help keep you warm.

The following exercises are performed in a seated position. Remember not to get up abruptly, you may feel dizzy. Place your feet at shoulder level and straighten your back. Raise your arms up, then pull them aside and back as far as you can. Continuing to sit, you can stretch your shoulder joints and cervical spine. Reach your fingers to your shoulders, do a few circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise. Now tilt your head back and forth, tilt it towards the left shoulder and towards the right. Make circular movements with your head in one direction and the other.

Claping your hands uplifts mood, improves cognitive abilities, sensory perception and attention, has a positive effect on memory and thinking, facilitates social adaptation and relieves nervous tension.

In a standing position, one should tilt with the body of the body in all directions in sequence. Rotate your hips clockwise and backwards. Try leaning forward to reach your feet with your fingers. Exercises can be very diverse, which you know and which you like. However, don't overwhelm yourself. The exercises should be done easily, without sudden movements. Morning exercises should invigorate and in no case cause fatigue. After finishing the exercises, you can applaud yourself. The harsh rhythmic sounds of claps not only amuse, but also have a useful and healing effect.

During any physical exercise, endorphins, or, as they are also called, the hormones of happiness, are released into the bloodstream. Thus, morning exercises will not only help to safely leave the kingdom of Morpheus, but will also cheer you up, awaken your appetite, and increase your overall tone.
