In yoga there are principles such as the principle of Openness and the principle of Mystery. This article will discuss when we are better off using the Mystery Principle. We will also find out why this is important. Indeed, the effectiveness of the entire practice will depend on the appropriateness of the use of the principles.

So, before we start doing difficult exercises, for example, the practice of awakening the kundalini, some preparation is necessary. It will be very good if we have assistants who understand what we have to go through. The presence of "specialists" will help to avoid gross mistakes and will direct you in the right direction. We can get results faster.
In this regard, there is a tradition in yoga when, at the beginning of a difficult stage in practice, we mentally turn to the Teachers and Teachers. We do this so that our teachers will envelop us in the cloud of the school and their mental field and help us cope with the task.
The axiomatics of yoga tells us that energy follows consciousness. If we invite someone to practice, then this gives an opportunity to influence the development of events. Of course, you should not invite random people who are not prepared to some subtle practices. With their rushing consciousness, they will only destroy your practice. The consciousness of onlookers will interfere and confuse the whole process. For this reason it is necessary to use the principle of Mystery.
As few people as possible should know about your activities and goals. People outsiders. And, on the contrary, it will be effective if we involve in the practice those who will help us and guide us. The consciousness of the teachers will support.
Yoga recommends a meditation in which we represent above the crown of our head all those who have brought this ancient knowledge to us. These can be yogis who lived a hundred or three hundred years before us, for example. You haven't seen them, of course. So in what guise should they be presented? After you have sat down in a meditative pose, imagine them as how they will turn out, as your mind has "drawn". This is not so important. Because Teachers and Teachers can change their appearance, make their bodies any way. This applies to the figure, skin color, facial features. They will be as you perceive them. Their image can be the same as you once saw in a picture or in a movie.
You can strengthen the mental message by reciting mantras. This will be enough for those whom you invite into your practice to hear and tune in with us on the same wavelength. Remember that until you invite help into your practice, no one will interfere, because freedom in yoga is above all!