Anaerobic And Aerobic Breathing

Anaerobic And Aerobic Breathing
Anaerobic And Aerobic Breathing

Many women and men are overweight, which must be thrown off in a short time and with minimal damage to their own health. There is a special technique that involves carrying out physical exercises for effective weight loss.

Anaerobic and aerobic breathing
Anaerobic and aerobic breathing

As a rule, there are two main methods of breathing that are used in physical training. The first type is anaerobic respiration, the second is aerobic respiration.

The main purpose of the respiratory system is the production of molecules, which are considered to be energy storage devices. As a rule, all the energy is stored inside these molecules, and when it is spent, a gradual restoration of volume occurs.

Aerobic exercise at home involves the use of oxygen as an acceptor. For this, the human lungs are included in the process, with the help of which oxygen is absorbed more actively and to a greater extent. The condition of the internal organs has a direct impact on the effectiveness of this exercise technique for weight loss. Regular lung training allows you to strengthen and develop activity, which undoubtedly affects the overall health of a person.

Anaerobic respiration is a faster process, since another group of molecules is connected to the work, which does not require oxygen for their activity. Often used for strength training. But these exercises are very often accompanied by the formation of lactic acid in the muscle tissue, which is the cause of the appearance of painful sensations. To avoid this, it is necessary to increase the load gradually, and exercise regularly.

Not all people have the time and opportunity to visit gyms or gyms. Therefore, aerobics for weight loss at home is the best option for effective weight loss. In the classroom, it is advisable to practice aerobic breathing in order to get a good result in a relatively short period of time. During the workout, there is a rapid burning of adipose tissue.

It should be noted that aerobic breathing should be started during the warm-up phase to prepare the body for future stress. As a rule, the process of burning fat begins after the first half of an hour of exercise. For those who exercise regularly, the fat base begins to "melt" after the first 10 minutes of exercise.

Start by teaching about 2-3 times a week. This will be quite enough for the body to gradually get used to it and exclude possible overload. Gradually increase the number of workouts up to 4-5 times. Of course, lifestyle and work schedule have a direct impact on the frequency of training. But even after a tiring day at work, you can allocate half an hour to carry out elementary exercises at home.

Before starting classes, choose comfortable clothes for yourself, on which the final result will depend. Of course, there should not be any restricting clothing movement, pressing elements (shoulder straps, tight elastic bands, seams) and dangling edges. Clothing should help keep the body active. It is advisable to choose energetic music, to which it will be more fun and cheerful to perform various exercises. The combination of elements of aerobics and dance movements makes classes more vivid and memorable.

The first shifts in the fight against excess weight and body fat can be seen after the first exercise. An additional course of massage, balanced nutrition, water procedures, the application of special products to make the skin smooth and elastic, etc. also increase the effect of physical activity.
