There are many varieties of slimming belts. Everyone looks and acts in their own way, but do they always help, and do they have any contraindications? You need to find out this before purchasing a miracle remedy.

Losing weight quickly, without burdening the body with physical activity, without exhausting it with diets is a dream that is difficult to achieve. Domestic and foreign manufacturers are making a lot of efforts, thanks to them, various devices appear to get rid of cellulite and extra pounds. One of them is slimming belts.
There are three types:
• Belt-sauna
• Belts using magnetic and electrical elements
• Combined belts.
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so we will consider each type separately.
Sauna belt
The principle of operation is simple - to create a sauna effect. Putting on a belt on a problem area of the body, due to the use of special materials, you begin to sweat. As conceived by the inventors, this should enhance blood circulation and lipid metabolism. Toxins and toxins are removed faster, the "excess" fluid leaves, and the person loses weight.
In fact, the following happens - you sweat and due to this you get rid of fluids, dry the body. Due to this, you can lose weight by 1 kg, but after the water enters the body, the weight comes back. With this belt, only the skin heats up, this is not enough for melting fat. Its action can be compared with the action of mustard plasters, and it is difficult to lose weight from them.
They cost a little. For manufacturing, neoprene or other lightweight airtight materials are used. You can wear it no more than 2 hours a day. Cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women. A belt will not work if you have heart disease and high blood pressure.
Electric and magnetic belts
Electric or magnetic diodes are inserted into this belt, which create vibration and send impulses to muscle contraction. Due to this, the fat should be broken down, and the muscles should gain elasticity and tone. You swing the abs without getting up from the couch, the waist becomes thin, and the belly becomes flat.
In fact, everything is a little different. Getting a kind of massage, you really accelerate blood circulation, and the muscles are toned. But for weight loss, this is not enough. To get a positive result, you need to radically revise your diet, and this is practically the same diet. This means that there is no need to spend money on a belt, adjusting the diet will help solve the problem with excess weight.
Contraindications to the use of such belts are blood diseases and fragility of blood vessels, injuries on the abdomen or back. Not scientifically proven, but magnetic fields are said to cause neoplasms. They also interfere with the operation of pacemakers. It is not allowed to use magnetic belts for pregnant women, heart patients and people with drops in blood pressure.
Combined belts
These belts have combined both the sauna and vibration. As conceived by the inventors, you will not only lose weight, but also strengthen your muscles. It sounds beautiful, but in fact, the result is not observed. Such a device should be abandoned for people with sensitive skin, pregnant and lactating women, heart patients and hypertensive patients.
The effectiveness of all these funds is rather dubious. They can be used as an additional device, but in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity. The main condition for getting rid of extra pounds is to consume fewer calories and burn more.