The Benefits And Harms Of Jumping Rope

The Benefits And Harms Of Jumping Rope
The Benefits And Harms Of Jumping Rope

The easiest way to work out all muscle groups at home, while simultaneously training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, is jumping rope. This sports equipment is often used to accelerate the metabolism, speed up the process of losing weight and train coordination, but at the same time, not everyone knows that rope exercises have a number of serious contraindications.

Jumping rope
Jumping rope

When talking about rope training, some people completely in vain draw to themselves a mental image of a girl with a bow, jumping over a string. The jump rope is an indispensable attribute of intensive training of professional athletes and, being a full-fledged sport, requires the most serious attitude towards itself.

The benefits of jumping rope

The high efficiency of training, which involves jumping rope, is a serious study of large muscle groups: calf, gluteal, dorsal, abdominal, shoulder girdle and hands. In addition, jumping contributes to the development of correct posture, dexterity, flexibility and a sense of balance.

A pleasant bonus, along with strengthening the muscle corset, is active fat burning: in just 10 minutes of training, the body spends about 116 kilocalories. For comparison, to burn the same amount of calories, it will take more than 1.5 hours of brisk walking or jogging more than 7 km.

Also, the indisputable advantage of such exercises is a good workout of the heart muscle and lungs, stimulation of blood circulation, and neutralization of the manifestations of cellulite. Jumping rope can be included in circuit training, which allows you to harmoniously combine aerobic and power loads, contributing to the acquisition of beautiful body contours.

the benefits of jumping rope
the benefits of jumping rope

Contraindications for jumping rope

It is important not to forget that rope exercises are high-intensity workouts, so it is not recommended to do it on a full stomach, during critical days, if you have a headache or other mild ailments.

Women with large breasts and older women are advised to pay special attention to clothing for sports, because vigorous jumping can adversely affect the shape of the bust and the appearance of skin that loses its natural elasticity.

It is absolutely not necessary to get carried away with exercises with a rope for people who are overweight, exceeding the norm by 15-20 kg and suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is also unacceptable to train for diseases of the spine, joints, varicose veins, pregnancy, migraines, hypertension.


In order for jumping rope to benefit health and beauty, you must follow simple recommendations:

  • do not forget to warm up before training and select the rope in accordance with your height;
  • do not jump barefoot to avoid accidental injury to your feet;
  • it is important for women to choose the right equipment that supports the chest well while jumping;
  • if classes are held at home, then you should not jump on the bare floor, pick up a comfortable rug that softens the jumps;
  • during landing, lower yourself on the forefoot, do not land on your heels or on the entire foot;
  • keep your legs slightly bent at the knees, practice fast and high jumps;
  • do not practice in too loose clothing, in the edges of which the rope can get tangled.
