What Are The Benefits And Harms Of Swimming

What Are The Benefits And Harms Of Swimming
What Are The Benefits And Harms Of Swimming

The figure and health of a person are favorably influenced by a variety of physical activities. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to disappear for hours in gyms in order to achieve an excellent result. Swimming in the pool will significantly improve your well-being and help you get rid of many problems with your figure and health.

What are the benefits and harms of swimming
What are the benefits and harms of swimming

The benefits of swimming

It is hard to compare swimming in a pool with swimming in the open sea. It should be borne in mind that in the latter case, due to the high concentration of salt in the water, the load on the muscles is significantly reduced. Thus, a person can keep afloat without much effort.

Swimming is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis and various other diseases. Submerging in water, the human body uses all the muscles of the body to the maximum. In this case, the load on the bones and joints is evenly distributed.

Swimming regularly, as one of the most effective types of cardio workouts, naturally increases lung capacity. This has a positive effect on the functions of the respiratory system. In addition, swimming contributes to the safe loss of extra pounds, tones the muscles, making muscles more elastic, and helps to increase the immune system.

Such physical activity is excellent for those who strive to play sports, but for medical reasons (heart problems, high obesity, curvature of the spine) are unable to perform many exercises.

The benefits of swimming in childhood, during the formation of the musculoskeletal system and the body as a whole, are very great. This sport, like no other, increases the capabilities of the respiratory system and develops absolutely all muscles. Children enjoy visiting the pool, combining positive emotions and health benefits.

Swimming is also a great remedy for depression and stress. These exercises perfectly calm the nervous system, filling the body with positive energy. One or two sessions a week is enough to fully appreciate the benefits of this sport.

Swimming harm

It is difficult to call swimming a completely safe sport, despite a number of positive qualities. The main disadvantage of swimming in the pool is the quality of the water. They clean it in public institutions of a similar type using chlorine. This does not in the best way affect the condition of the nails, hair and skin of the swimmer. In addition, after swimming in the pool, a person may experience an allergic reaction.

Poor hygiene conditions can also play a role. The harm of swimming in the pool can also manifest itself in the form of warts, nail fungus, in exceptional cases - lichen and scabies. To avoid such problems after swimming in the pool, wash thoroughly in the shower using an antibacterial gel or soap.
