Why Is The Exercise "bike" Useful?

Why Is The Exercise "bike" Useful?
Why Is The Exercise "bike" Useful?

The exercise "bicycle" is found effective not only by amateurs who go in for sports on a regular basis, but also by professional athletes. Its simplicity in execution and excellent results make it indispensable for an exercise program both in the gym and at home.

The exercise
The exercise

Efficiency of the "bike"

Modern gyms are equipped with a variety of simulators that are designed for all muscle groups, but no one is in a hurry to refuse from the "bicycle" familiar to many from school physical education lessons or sports clubs. "Bicycle" is an exercise from the category of "cheap and cheerful": it does not require special sports training or good physical shape, it is performed without any equipment - except, perhaps, a rug - and is extremely simple to perform.

When working with this exercise, the muscles of the hips and back are involved, as well as the press: the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles. The latter is especially valuable for women - thus, a chiseled thin waist is formed.

Regular performance of the "bicycle" with increasing loads - this is necessary for building the body, since with a constant equal load, the body adapts and freezes without progress - it contributes to the drawing of a beautiful, embossed press. The muscles of the press will practically not grow, this is unusual for them, but the quality of the body will noticeably improve. A flat, toned stomach can be obtained by practicing three to four days a week for only 15 minutes a day, the main thing is regularity for several months. A couple of weeks, of course, will not give any visible result, but this applies, by and large, to any exercise.

"Bicycle" has a positive effect on metabolism, bowel function and general tone.

Another significant plus of the "bike" - it does not cause any harm to the body, it can be performed at any age, only pregnant women should refrain. The rest of the "bike" has no restrictions. This exercise is especially recommended for patients with varicose veins and prostate adenoma, as it helps to restore blood circulation in the legs and pelvic organs and tones the blood vessels.

Performing a "bike"

Lie on the floor or rug, lower your lower back, pressing firmly against it; hands should be kept behind the head, not closing in a "lock"; bend your knees at a 45-degree angle. Breathing is even. Then alternately touch the left knee with the right elbow - the right one is slightly stretched out and remains suspended - and vice versa. Use your shoulder blades at the lowest point to touch the floor. Two to three sets of ten reps should be sufficient.

You can only increase the load by slowing down the exercise.

Remember that the correct execution of the "bicycle" implies calm breathing, the back pressed to the floor - the shoulder blades are raised - and the shoulders, which do not fall to the floor and are constantly in the air. Just like the legs: while the knee of one leg is bent, the other leg remains raised.

The performance of the "Bicycle" varies slightly: if the load is not enough, you can use the weights or perform it in the pool, leaning against the side - in one direction or the other. Water will have an additional effect, increasing the effectiveness of the exercise.
