What Do You Need To Start Doing Hatha Yoga?

What Do You Need To Start Doing Hatha Yoga?
What Do You Need To Start Doing Hatha Yoga?

It often happens that in order to start doing yoga, we are waiting for "ideal" conditions. But the circumstances of our life are different. And it is better to start practicing now in the conditions that we have at this time, than to continue to wait.

Hatha yoga classes
Hatha yoga classes

As yoga says, time is against us when we are not practicing, and time is on our side when we are practicing. The main thing is that we have the very minimum at our disposal. What does this mean?

The first thing you need to practice is a smooth, flat surface. If we choose a place for outdoor activities, then it is necessary to clean the surface of pebbles and any debris.

The second thing to consider is the size of the site. The area should be sufficient to accommodate the rug, plus nothing around should hinder our movements while performing asanas. Two by two meters will be enough. As for the height of free space, then a couple of meters will be enough here too. Our growth will serve as a guide. Plus, we take into account the distance that our arms can stretch upward when performing certain asanas (for example, the pose of a tree). Nothing should stop us!

The third thing we need is a rug. Which rug to choose? There are several options here. It is convenient for someone to practice on a sports mat, someone on a thin rug, someone on a woolen blanket, someone prefers a mat. Ancient yogis practiced on the skin of a tiger or lion. And in our age it will be inappropriate. Our choices today will depend on availability and convenience. With the advent of modern materials, everything has become easier. The rugs are comfortable, easy to clean and carry, and have a non-slip surface.

The fourth thing a beginner practitioner has to think about is clothing. And the same rule of adequacy works here! First of all, you should be comfortable. There may be a minimum of clothing if climatic conditions permit. It can be more if the body feels more comfortable in it. The fewer distractions and annoyances in your practice, the better. And here everything is very individual!

The above items are the required minimum. After all, the main thing in yoga is practice. And conditions will change over time. It is important not to waste time, but to start working with yourself now. And the results will not be long in coming!
