A firm and flat belly will make your silhouette look slim and guarantee a good fit. However, to ensure yourself the perfect abs, you have to try. Intensive workouts that work out the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles, aerobic exercise and a balanced diet will help you quickly achieve the desired result.

It is necessary
- - stepper or treadmill;
- - gymnastic wall;
- - dumbbells.
Step 1
Create your own set of exercises, consisting of warm-ups, exercises that strengthen the rectus abdominis, oblique muscles, and back muscles. Don't exercise daily - your muscles should be resting. Enough two or three lessons per week. On your free days, increase your aerobic activity - do morning runs, walk more, exercise on a stepper or treadmill.
Step 2
Warm up before starting classes. Turn on rhythmic music, dance, do several swings with your arms and legs. You can jump rope or just dance.
Step 3
Lie on the floor. Bend your knees, slightly apart and with your feet parallel. Stretch your arms along the body. Raise your upper body so that your shoulder blades come off the floor. Exhale and tighten your stomach as you exercise. Do not hurry. Repeat the technique 10-12 times, rest for a minute and do the second approach.
Step 4
Bend your knees. Raise them slowly, tightening the abdominal wall. Lift your pelvis so that your knees touch your chin. Hold this position and slowly lower your legs. Repeat the exercise 6-10 times in two steps.
Step 5
Lying on your back, raise your straight legs and quickly cross them one over the other, imitating the movement of scissors. The lower you hold your legs, the more the abdominal muscles tighten and the more effective the exercise. Do not lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor. Repeat 6-10 times in two sets.
Step 6
Stand up, take dumbbells in your hands. Spread your legs a little, keep your hands with dumbbells at the waist. Slowly, tightening the press, tilt the body back. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 times. This exercise strengthens not only the abdominal wall, but also the back muscles.
Step 7
A more difficult, but very effective exercise is lifting the legs and pelvis while hanging on a gymnastic bar or wall bars. First, raise your bent legs, later - straight. Start with five times per set and work up to 10 times in two sets.
Step 8
A very useful exercise is abdominal retraction. Take a deep breath, exhale the air, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach to the limit. Keep your back straight. Fix the abdominal wall for 5-7 seconds and inhale. Repeat the exercise 6-10 times. It can be done daily, morning and evening.
Step 9
Do not forget about diet - without it you will not achieve quick results. Eliminate sweets, carbonated drinks, flour and fatty foods from the diet. Instead, eat protein foods - lean fish, chicken and turkey fillets, dairy products. Don't forget about fiber - whole grain breads and vegetables.