A tucked-up flat stomach is every girl's dream. However, for this it is not enough just to do abdominal exercises a couple of times a week; in this matter, a more comprehensive approach is needed.

cheerful mood and patience
Step 1
Pay attention to your food. Eliminate fatty meats, smoked meats, rolls and cakes from the diet. If it is difficult to give up bread, replace it with rye bread or pressed bran. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits - the fiber they contain will help improve metabolism and cleanse the intestines. A flat tummy is only possible when you get rid of excess internal fat.
Step 2
Drink plenty of water. Water is a real healer for our body. Enriching all cells with oxygen, it removes excess toxins and renews all organs, improving their performance.
Step 3
Breathe the air. Go for walks in any weather. Run, jump, play with children - physical activity increases the absorption of oxygen into the blood, improves our general well-being and does not allow extra pounds to be stored.
Step 4
Practice yoga. A large number of stretching exercises not only relaxes the abdominal muscles, but also gradually tightens and restores their tone.
Step 5
Twist the hoop. This is an old proven way to get the abdominal muscles back and also get rid of the sides.
Step 6
Exercises. And of course, do not forget about the need for daily work of the abdominal muscles in various exercises. Enough 10-12 minutes a day - and your tummy will pleasantly surprise you.